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Iron Absorption

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The sections in this article are:

1 Iron Balance
2 Dietary Iron Availability
3 Upper Gastrointestinal Secretions and Motility
4 Mucosal Iron Absorption
5 Regulation
6 Other Effects
Figure 1. Figure 1.

Format of internal iron turnover.

[From Finch and Huebers 109.]
Figure 2. Figure 2.

Relative amounts of iron absorbed and excreted in the normal human and with iron deficiency or iron overload.

Figure 3. Figure 3.

Iron absorptive process. Fe‐Tf, iron‐bearing transferrin; TR, transferrin receptor; HR, hemoglobin receptor; Tf‐Fe‐R, transferrin‐iron‐receptor complex.

Figure 4. Figure 4.

Relation between iron requirements, iron stores, and iron absorption.

[From Finch and Huebers 109.]
Figure 5. Figure 5.

Absorption of 30 μg of iron from a duodenal loop in normal rats tested at varying intervals after blocking dose of 2 mg of iron by stomach tube.

Figure 1.

Format of internal iron turnover.

[From Finch and Huebers 109.]

Figure 2.

Relative amounts of iron absorbed and excreted in the normal human and with iron deficiency or iron overload.

Figure 3.

Iron absorptive process. Fe‐Tf, iron‐bearing transferrin; TR, transferrin receptor; HR, hemoglobin receptor; Tf‐Fe‐R, transferrin‐iron‐receptor complex.

Figure 4.

Relation between iron requirements, iron stores, and iron absorption.

[From Finch and Huebers 109.]

Figure 5.

Absorption of 30 μg of iron from a duodenal loop in normal rats tested at varying intervals after blocking dose of 2 mg of iron by stomach tube.

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Clement A. Finch, Helmut A. Huebers. Iron Absorption. Compr Physiol 2011, Supplement 19: Handbook of Physiology, The Gastrointestinal System, Intestinal Absorption and Secretion: 361-369. First published in print 1991. doi: 10.1002/cphy.cp060414