Comprehensive Physiology Wiley Online Library

Physiological Principles of Pulmonary Gas Exchange


Listings: 1-20   21-35

An Overview of Gas Exchange
Arthur B. Otis
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Diffusing‐Capacity Heterogeneity
Michael P. Hlastala
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Carbon Monoxide Toxicity
Ronald F. Coburn, Henry Jay Forman
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Gas Exchange in Pregnancy
James Metcalfe, John M. Bissonnette
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Diffusion of Gases
H. K. Chang
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Diffusion and Convection in Intrapulmonary Gas Mixing
Johannes Piiper, Peter Scheid
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Carbon Dioxide Transport
Robert A. Klocke
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Measurement of Cardiac Output by Alveolar Gas Exchange
Marvin A. Sackner
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Phylogeny of the Gas‐Exchange System: Red Cell Function
Stephen C. Wood, Claude Lenfant
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Nitric Oxide Transport in Blood: A Third Gas in the Respiratory Cycle
Allan Doctor, Jonathan S. Stamler
Published online: January 2011
Carbon Monoxide Transport and Actions in Blood and Tissues
Stephen R. Thom
Published online: January 2011
Gas Exchange in Exercise
Paolo Cerretelli, Pietro E. Di Prampero
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Gas Exchange in Hypoxia, Apnea, and Hyperoxia
Stephen M. Cain
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Diffusion of Gases Across the Alveolar Membrane
Robert E. Forster
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Ventilation: Total, Alveolar, and Dead Space
N. R. Anthonisen, J. A. Fleetham
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Listings: 1-20   21-35