Comprehensive Physiology Wiley Online Library

Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology


Listings: back...   81-100   101-120   121-140   141-160   more...

Control centers in the central nervous system for regulating gastrointestinal motility
Richard A. Gillis, John A. Quest, Francis D. Pagani, Wesley P. Norman
Source: Handbook of Physiology
In vivo myoelectric activity: methods, analysis, and interpretation
Sushil K. Sarna
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Electrophysiology of the gastric musculature
Kenton M. Sanders, Nelson G. Publicover
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Mechanism of Fluid Transport by Epithelia
Kenneth R. Spring
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Pancreatic Secretion of Electrolytes and Water
R. M. Case, B. E. Argent
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Cellular Regulation of Pancreatic Secretion
John A. Williams, Daniel B. Burnham, Seth R. Hootman
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Structural and Secretory Polarity in the Pancreatic Acinar Cell
Amy Chang, James D. Jamieson
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Secretory Membranes and the Exocrine Storage Compartment
Richard S. Cameron, Peter Arvan, J. David Castle
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Calcium Signaling System in Salivary Glands
James W. Jr. Putney
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Ion Transport Across Mammalian Small Intestine
Stephen K. Sullivan, Michael Field
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Iron Absorption
Clement A. Finch, Helmut A. Huebers
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Gastric Intrinsic Factor and Cobalamin Absorption
Bellur Seetharam, David H. Alpers
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Immunophysiology of Intestinal Electrolyte Transport
D. W. Powell
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Immunoglobulin a Secretion
Stephen Holland, John H. Eldridge, Jerry R. McGhee, Charles D. Alley
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Enterocyte Cytoskeleton: Its Structure and Function
Thomas C. S. Keller, Mark S. Mooseker
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Principles of Membrane Transport
David C. Dawson
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Regulation of Digestive Reactions by the Pancreas
Stephen S. Rothman
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Fluid and Electrolyte Secretion by Salivary Glands
D. I. Cook, J. A. Young
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Listings: back...   81-100   101-120   121-140   141-160   more...