Comprehensive Physiology Wiley Online Library

Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology


Listings: back...   161-180   181-190

Cellular Regulation of Pancreatic Secretion
John A. Williams, Daniel B. Burnham, Seth R. Hootman
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Overview of Bile Secretion
Alan F. Hofmann
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Enterohepatic Circulation of Bile Acids
Alan F. Hofmann
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Structural and Secretory Polarity in the Pancreatic Acinar Cell
Amy Chang, James D. Jamieson
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Salivary Mucin Secretion
David O. Quissell, Lawrence A. Tabak
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Electrophysiology of Salivary and Pancreatic Acinar Cells
O. H. Petersen, Y. Maruyama
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Long‐Term Regulation of Pancreatic Function Studied in Vitro
Craig D. Logsdon
Source: Handbook of Physiology
The Gastric Mucosal Barrier
Barry H. Hirst
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Secretion of Bicarbonate by Gastric and Duodenal Mucosa
Gunnar Flemström, Andrew Garner
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Cellular Basis of Pepsinogen Secretion
Stephen J. Hersey
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Regulation of Digestive Reactions by the Pancreas
Stephen S. Rothman
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Biochemistry of Gastric Acid Secretion: H+‐K+‐ATPase
G. Sachs, J. Kaunitz, J. Mendlein, B. Wallmark
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Electrophysiology of Gastric Ion Transport
Jeffrey R. Demarest, Terry E. Machen
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Pancreatic Secretion of Electrolytes and Water
R. M. Case, B. E. Argent
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Functional Morphology of Epithelium of the Small Intestine
James L. Madara
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Gastrointestinal Mucus
Adrian Allen
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Immunological Probes of Gastrointestinal Secretion
Adam Smolka
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Functional Development of Stomach
Chi‐Chuan Tseng, Leonard R. Johnson
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Listings: back...   161-180   181-190