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Hibernation and Gas Exchange

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Hibernation in endotherms and ectotherms is characterized by an energy‐conserving metabolic depression due to low body temperatures and poorly understood temperature‐independent mechanisms. Rates of gas exchange are correspondly reduced. In hibernating mammals, ventilation falls even more than metabolic rate leading to a relative respiratory acidosis that may contribute to metabolic depression. Breathing in some mammals becomes episodic and in some small mammals significant apneic gas exchange may occur by passive diffusion via airways or skin. In ectothermic vertebrates, extrapulmonary gas exchange predominates and in reptiles and amphibians hibernating underwater accounts for all gas exchange. In aerated water diffusive exchange permits amphibians and many species of turtles to remain fully aerobic, but hypoxic conditions can challenge many of these animals. Oxygen uptake into blood in both endotherms and ectotherms is enhanced by increased affinity of hemoglobin for O2 at low temperature. Regulation of gas exchange in hibernating mammals is predominately linked to CO2/pH, and in episodic breathers, control is principally directed at the duration of the apneic period. Control in submerged hibernating ectotherms is poorly understood, although skin‐diffusing capacity may increase under hypoxic conditions. In aerated water blood pH of frogs and turtles either adheres to alphastat regulation (pH ∼8.0) or may even exhibit respiratory alkalosis. Arousal in hibernating mammals leads to restoration of euthermic temperature, metabolic rate, and gas exchange and occurs periodically even as ambient temperatures remain low, whereas body temperature, metabolic rate, and gas exchange of hibernating ectotherms are tightly linked to ambient temperature. © 2011 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 1:397‐420, 2011.

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Figure 1. Figure 1.

Schematic diagram of the changes in body temperature (Tb), oxygen consumption (metabolic rate, O2), breathing frequency (fv), heart rate (fH), respiratory quotient (RQ), and oxygen pulse of a dormouse entering torpor at an ambient temperature of 5°C (horizontal line in upper panel). Data are modified and redrawn from Elvert and Heldmaier 48,49. The vertical lines demark the dramatic increase in metabolic rate and ventilation rate with a corresponding fall in the oxygen pulse that precede entrance into torpor.

Figure 2. Figure 2.

Changes in metabolic rate (TMR), core body temperature (Tcore), and torpor bout length (TBL) in arctic ground squirrels in steady‐state hibernation at different ambient temperatures. Symbols represent mean ± SE. From Barnes and Buck 2. Note the constant metabolic rate despite the differences in body temperature over the ambient temperature range from 0 to 16°C.

Figure 3. Figure 3.

Changes in the respiratory quotient (RQ), body temperature (Tb), and metabolic rate (MR) throughout one bout of daily torpor (approximately 5 h) in Peromyscus maniculatus. Note the dramatic drop in RQ at the onset of entrance into torpor and the rise in RQ at the onset of arousal. Redrawn from Nestler 160.

Figure 4. Figure 4.

Differential pressure recordings from a pneumotachograph illustrating the breathing pattern of golden‐mantled ground squirrels under various circumstances. The top three traces were taken during early entrance into hibernation (A), later during entrance into hibernation (B), and arousal from hibernation (C). The next three traces were taken from an animal in hibernation at 5°C (D), in hibernation at 2°C (E), and in hibernation at 5°C on 1% halothane anesthesia (F). The final two traces were taken during the early and late stages of a single bout of hibernation (one breathing episode from each trace is enlarged to show the details of the episode. (All traces are from Milsom; McArthur; Webb and Zimmer; unpublished.

Figure 5. Figure 5.

Respiratory airflow traces illustrating the breathing patterns of a golden‐mantled ground squirrel during progressive cooling in hypothermia. The panel on the right hand side of each trace is an expanded 30 s view of the second minute of the trace. From Zimmer and Milsom 237.

Figure 6. Figure 6.

Respiratory airflow traces illustrating the breathing patterns of golden‐mantled ground squirrels at the onset of arousal from hibernation under natural conditions and following administration of MK‐801 in a vagotomized animal. (Harris and Milsom, unpublished). Note the absence of episodic breathing in hibernation and the waxing and waning of ventilation during arousal following MK‐801 and vagotomy.

Figure 7. Figure 7.

(A) An example of a central neural arousal associated with a breathing episode in a ground squirrel hibernating at 5°C. Note the large burst of high‐frequency neural activity (top) and muscle activity (middle) during the first half of the breathing episode (bottom). Also note the tachycardia in the heart rate artifact present on both the electroencephalographic (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) traces. The effects of changing ambient temperature are also shown on the occurrence of central neural arousals with a breathing episode (B), the occurrence of breathing episodes with a central neural arousal (C) and the resting background level of EEG and EMG activity during steady‐state hibernation (D). From Zimmer and Milsom 236.

Figure 8. Figure 8.

Traces of O2 uptake and CO2 production in a hibernating dormouse at an ambient temperature of 5°C. Zero checks for both variables are shown at the beginning and end of the traces. Note the levels of oxygen consumption and CO2 production during the apneic periods. From Wilz et al. 233.

Figure 9. Figure 9.

(A) Effects of changing inspired O2 or CO2 on the air convection requirement (ΔVE/ΔVo2) of euthermic and hibernating Columbian and golden‐mantled ground squirrels expressed as the % change from air‐breathing values. From McArthur and Milsom 142. (B) The % change in ventilation (right axis) and arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2, left axis) as a function of arterial PO2 in intact and carotid body denervated (CBX) golden‐mantled ground squirrels during euthermia (right panel) and hibernation (left panel). Based on data in Webb and Milsom 229.

Figure 10. Figure 10.

Schematic representation of the changes occurring in heart rate (fH), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (Q), total peripheral resistance (TPR), viscosity of peripheral (p), and central (c) arterial blood, as well as systolic, diastolic, and pulse pressure during entrance into hibernation of a hedgehog at 5°C. Based on data in Kirkebö 102.

Figure 11. Figure 11.

(A) The relationship between heart rate and body temperature during a consecutive entrance into and arousal from hibernation in a California ground squirrel; modified from Strumwasser 193. (B) Blood pressure of a thirteen‐lined ground squirrel entering hibernation. Thoracic temperature is 29.5°C, and skipped beats are evident. (C) Same animal 10 min after treatment with atropine. From Lyman and O'Brien 126. (D) Blood pressure and electroencephalographic of a thirteen‐lined ground squirrel entering hibernation. Thoracic temperature is 15°C and rhythmic asystoles are evident along with interpolated premature beats following each asystole. (E) At a thoracic temperature of 11°C, heart rate becomes uniform but extra systoles with no pulse pressure are still present. From Lyman and O'Brien 126.

Figure 12. Figure 12.

ECG and ventilatory airflow of a golden‐mantled ground squirrel at progressively lower temperatures. At 15°C (A) and 10°C (B) ventilation is accompanied by a tachycardia and periods of arrhythmia consisting of alternating tachycardia and bradycardia occur with increasing regularity throughout the apnea between breathing episodes. Over time at 5°C (C) both the arrhythmias and ventilation tachycardia disappear. (Heart rate is evident in the breathing traces in A and B). From Milsom et al. 156.

Figure 13. Figure 13.

Whole blood oxygen equilibrium curves for hibernating (open symbols) and summer active (filled symbols) ground squirrels generated at 7°C (pH 7.46) and 37°C (pH 7.49). Half saturation PO2 for winter and summer animals at 7°C was 5.8 ± 0.1 and 6.9 ± 0.2 Torr, respectively; P50 at 37°C were 15.3 ± 0.1 and 18.1 ± 0.5 Torr, respectively. Horizontal bars are ± 1 SEM; temperature coefficients (Δlog P50/ΔT°C) were calculated at blood pH 7.46 for the hibernator and pH 7.49 for the summer active squirrels. From Maginniss et al. 132.

Figure 14. Figure 14.

Reduction of aerobic metabolic rate of the frog Rana temporaria submerged in normoxic (aerated) water at 3°C for 90 days and in progressively hypoxic water for 90 days. From Donohoe and Boutilier 43.

Figure 15. Figure 15.

Arterial blood PCO2 of softshell turtles (Apalone spinifera) submerged in normoxic (aerated) water at 3°C for 220 days. Unpublished data from G.R. Ultsch and S.A. Reese.

Figure 16. Figure 16.

Total O2 consumption (solid line) and O2 supplied by extrapulmonary gas exchange in three species of freshwater turtles (dashed lines). Total O2 consumption and extrapulmonary uptake are based on data from the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta bellii); from Herbert and Jackson 87. Total O2 consumption is assumed to be the same in the other two species. Extrapulmonary uptake by the softshell turtle (Apalone spinifera) is an estimate but is based on the observation that this species can supply all its O2 by this pathway even at 10°C 217. Extrapulmonary uptake by the map turtle (Graptemys geographica) is also an estimate but is based on the observation that can supply all its O2 by this pathway at 3°C 172.

Figure 17. Figure 17.

Diagram depicting flux of O2 from surrounding aerated water into the blood and thence to the cells of a painted turtle submerged at 3°C (A). Because measured arterial blood PO2 is so low (∼1 torr), the gradient from the water to the blood and thus the diffusion resistance of this step are far greater than the gradient from the blood to the cells and the diffusion resistance of this step. Blood O2‐binding curve (B) Redrawn from Maginniss et al. 134 reveals that affinity for O2 is very high and that even at this low Po2, blood may have an O2 saturation of about 5 to 10%.

Figure 18. Figure 18.

The rate of O2 consumption of submerged adult frog (Rana pipiens) at 3°C as a function of PO2 of the water. Pc is the critical O2 tension. The constancy of O2 uptake down to water PO2 of below 40 torr provides evidence for the regulation of skin‐diffusing capacity in this animal. From Ultsch et al. 222.

Figure 1.

Schematic diagram of the changes in body temperature (Tb), oxygen consumption (metabolic rate, O2), breathing frequency (fv), heart rate (fH), respiratory quotient (RQ), and oxygen pulse of a dormouse entering torpor at an ambient temperature of 5°C (horizontal line in upper panel). Data are modified and redrawn from Elvert and Heldmaier 48,49. The vertical lines demark the dramatic increase in metabolic rate and ventilation rate with a corresponding fall in the oxygen pulse that precede entrance into torpor.

Figure 2.

Changes in metabolic rate (TMR), core body temperature (Tcore), and torpor bout length (TBL) in arctic ground squirrels in steady‐state hibernation at different ambient temperatures. Symbols represent mean ± SE. From Barnes and Buck 2. Note the constant metabolic rate despite the differences in body temperature over the ambient temperature range from 0 to 16°C.

Figure 3.

Changes in the respiratory quotient (RQ), body temperature (Tb), and metabolic rate (MR) throughout one bout of daily torpor (approximately 5 h) in Peromyscus maniculatus. Note the dramatic drop in RQ at the onset of entrance into torpor and the rise in RQ at the onset of arousal. Redrawn from Nestler 160.

Figure 4.

Differential pressure recordings from a pneumotachograph illustrating the breathing pattern of golden‐mantled ground squirrels under various circumstances. The top three traces were taken during early entrance into hibernation (A), later during entrance into hibernation (B), and arousal from hibernation (C). The next three traces were taken from an animal in hibernation at 5°C (D), in hibernation at 2°C (E), and in hibernation at 5°C on 1% halothane anesthesia (F). The final two traces were taken during the early and late stages of a single bout of hibernation (one breathing episode from each trace is enlarged to show the details of the episode. (All traces are from Milsom; McArthur; Webb and Zimmer; unpublished.

Figure 5.

Respiratory airflow traces illustrating the breathing patterns of a golden‐mantled ground squirrel during progressive cooling in hypothermia. The panel on the right hand side of each trace is an expanded 30 s view of the second minute of the trace. From Zimmer and Milsom 237.

Figure 6.

Respiratory airflow traces illustrating the breathing patterns of golden‐mantled ground squirrels at the onset of arousal from hibernation under natural conditions and following administration of MK‐801 in a vagotomized animal. (Harris and Milsom, unpublished). Note the absence of episodic breathing in hibernation and the waxing and waning of ventilation during arousal following MK‐801 and vagotomy.

Figure 7.

(A) An example of a central neural arousal associated with a breathing episode in a ground squirrel hibernating at 5°C. Note the large burst of high‐frequency neural activity (top) and muscle activity (middle) during the first half of the breathing episode (bottom). Also note the tachycardia in the heart rate artifact present on both the electroencephalographic (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) traces. The effects of changing ambient temperature are also shown on the occurrence of central neural arousals with a breathing episode (B), the occurrence of breathing episodes with a central neural arousal (C) and the resting background level of EEG and EMG activity during steady‐state hibernation (D). From Zimmer and Milsom 236.

Figure 8.

Traces of O2 uptake and CO2 production in a hibernating dormouse at an ambient temperature of 5°C. Zero checks for both variables are shown at the beginning and end of the traces. Note the levels of oxygen consumption and CO2 production during the apneic periods. From Wilz et al. 233.

Figure 9.

(A) Effects of changing inspired O2 or CO2 on the air convection requirement (ΔVE/ΔVo2) of euthermic and hibernating Columbian and golden‐mantled ground squirrels expressed as the % change from air‐breathing values. From McArthur and Milsom 142. (B) The % change in ventilation (right axis) and arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2, left axis) as a function of arterial PO2 in intact and carotid body denervated (CBX) golden‐mantled ground squirrels during euthermia (right panel) and hibernation (left panel). Based on data in Webb and Milsom 229.

Figure 10.

Schematic representation of the changes occurring in heart rate (fH), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (Q), total peripheral resistance (TPR), viscosity of peripheral (p), and central (c) arterial blood, as well as systolic, diastolic, and pulse pressure during entrance into hibernation of a hedgehog at 5°C. Based on data in Kirkebö 102.

Figure 11.

(A) The relationship between heart rate and body temperature during a consecutive entrance into and arousal from hibernation in a California ground squirrel; modified from Strumwasser 193. (B) Blood pressure of a thirteen‐lined ground squirrel entering hibernation. Thoracic temperature is 29.5°C, and skipped beats are evident. (C) Same animal 10 min after treatment with atropine. From Lyman and O'Brien 126. (D) Blood pressure and electroencephalographic of a thirteen‐lined ground squirrel entering hibernation. Thoracic temperature is 15°C and rhythmic asystoles are evident along with interpolated premature beats following each asystole. (E) At a thoracic temperature of 11°C, heart rate becomes uniform but extra systoles with no pulse pressure are still present. From Lyman and O'Brien 126.

Figure 12.

ECG and ventilatory airflow of a golden‐mantled ground squirrel at progressively lower temperatures. At 15°C (A) and 10°C (B) ventilation is accompanied by a tachycardia and periods of arrhythmia consisting of alternating tachycardia and bradycardia occur with increasing regularity throughout the apnea between breathing episodes. Over time at 5°C (C) both the arrhythmias and ventilation tachycardia disappear. (Heart rate is evident in the breathing traces in A and B). From Milsom et al. 156.

Figure 13.

Whole blood oxygen equilibrium curves for hibernating (open symbols) and summer active (filled symbols) ground squirrels generated at 7°C (pH 7.46) and 37°C (pH 7.49). Half saturation PO2 for winter and summer animals at 7°C was 5.8 ± 0.1 and 6.9 ± 0.2 Torr, respectively; P50 at 37°C were 15.3 ± 0.1 and 18.1 ± 0.5 Torr, respectively. Horizontal bars are ± 1 SEM; temperature coefficients (Δlog P50/ΔT°C) were calculated at blood pH 7.46 for the hibernator and pH 7.49 for the summer active squirrels. From Maginniss et al. 132.

Figure 14.

Reduction of aerobic metabolic rate of the frog Rana temporaria submerged in normoxic (aerated) water at 3°C for 90 days and in progressively hypoxic water for 90 days. From Donohoe and Boutilier 43.

Figure 15.

Arterial blood PCO2 of softshell turtles (Apalone spinifera) submerged in normoxic (aerated) water at 3°C for 220 days. Unpublished data from G.R. Ultsch and S.A. Reese.

Figure 16.

Total O2 consumption (solid line) and O2 supplied by extrapulmonary gas exchange in three species of freshwater turtles (dashed lines). Total O2 consumption and extrapulmonary uptake are based on data from the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta bellii); from Herbert and Jackson 87. Total O2 consumption is assumed to be the same in the other two species. Extrapulmonary uptake by the softshell turtle (Apalone spinifera) is an estimate but is based on the observation that this species can supply all its O2 by this pathway even at 10°C 217. Extrapulmonary uptake by the map turtle (Graptemys geographica) is also an estimate but is based on the observation that can supply all its O2 by this pathway at 3°C 172.

Figure 17.

Diagram depicting flux of O2 from surrounding aerated water into the blood and thence to the cells of a painted turtle submerged at 3°C (A). Because measured arterial blood PO2 is so low (∼1 torr), the gradient from the water to the blood and thus the diffusion resistance of this step are far greater than the gradient from the blood to the cells and the diffusion resistance of this step. Blood O2‐binding curve (B) Redrawn from Maginniss et al. 134 reveals that affinity for O2 is very high and that even at this low Po2, blood may have an O2 saturation of about 5 to 10%.

Figure 18.

The rate of O2 consumption of submerged adult frog (Rana pipiens) at 3°C as a function of PO2 of the water. Pc is the critical O2 tension. The constancy of O2 uptake down to water PO2 of below 40 torr provides evidence for the regulation of skin‐diffusing capacity in this animal. From Ultsch et al. 222.

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William K. Milsom, Donald C. Jackson. Hibernation and Gas Exchange. Compr Physiol 2011, 1: 397-420. doi: 10.1002/cphy.c090018