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The Pyramidal Tract

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The sections in this article are:

1 Organization of Projection from Cerebral Cortex to Spinal Cord
1.1 Studies by Cortical Surface Stimulation
1.2 Studies by Cortical Depth Stimulation
1.3 Microstructure of Corticospinal Projection
1.4 Projection to γ‐Motoneurons
1.5 Projections to Spinal Interneurons
1.6 Pyramidal Collaterals and Branches Within Brain
2 Afferent Inputs to Motor Cortex and Pyramidal Tract Neurons
2.1 General Problems
2.2 Inputs From Nucleus Ventralis Lateralis of Thalamus
2.3 Peripheral Inputs to Motor Cortex and Pyramidal Tract Cells
2.4 Inputs Through Association Fibers
2.5 Inputs Through Commissural Fibers
3 Function of Pyramidal Tract
4 Summary
Figure 1. Figure 1.

A: Ferrier's historic map of motor representation of monkey brain 46. 1, Opposite hindlimb is advanced as in walking. 2, Flexion with outward rotation of thigh, rotation inward of leg, with flexion of toes. 3, Tail. 4, Opposite arm is adducted, extended, and retracted; hand pronated. 5, Extension forward of opposite arm; a, b, c, d, movements of fingers and wrists. 6, Flexion and spination of forearm. 7, Retraction and elevation of angle of mouth. 8, Elevation of ala of nose and upper lip. 9 and 10, Opening of mouth with protrusion, 9, and retraction, 10, of tongue. 11, Retraction of angle of mouth. 12, Eyes open widely, pupils dilate, and head and eyes turn to opposite side. 13 and 13′, Eyes move to opposite side. 14, Pricking of opposite ear, head and eyes turn to opposite side, pupils dilate widely. B: motor representation in brain of chimpanzee. Left hemisphere viewed from side and above to obtain best configuration of sulcus centralis area. Motor area indicated by stippling. Shaded regions, marked EYES, indicate portions of cortex that yield conjugate movements of eyeballs under faradization. S.F., superior frontal sulcus; S.Pr., superior precentral sulcus; I. Pr., inferior precentral sulcus.

A from Ferrier 46; B from Sherrington 137
Figure 2. Figure 2.

Diagrammatic representation of hypothetical distribution of pyramidal tract cells for individual muscles. Cell group for each muscle has focal distribution and overlapping fringe. Each symbol represents a pyramidal tract cell. Large concentric circles are spheres of excitation. Expected contraction of muscles to cortical stimulation at different strength shown by myograms in lower portion, in which magnitude of contraction is determined by number of pyramidal tract cells involved in sphere of excitation.

From Chang et al. 33
Figure 3. Figure 3.

Pyramidal tract responses (R) to stimulation (S) of motor cortex and white matter in monkey. Recording electrode in lateral column of spinal cord at first cervical segment. Downward deflection indicates positivity at electrode in pyramidal tract. Time: 1 ms. Direct (D) and indirect (I) waves present at left, whereas only D‐wave at right.

From Patton and Amassian 123
Figure 4. Figure 4.

Amplitude change of monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) recorded in radial motoneuron of baboon. Amplitude plotted against distance from best point. Large curves, stimulus 1.3 mA; small curves, stimulus 0.75 mA; membrane potential —66 mV. Dotted line, points along line at right angles to Rolandic fissure; unbroken line, points parallel to Rolandic fissure. Upper right: points of stimulation around Rolandic fissure. Large circle, best point. Arcs show farthest limits of cell populations excited by stimuli applied at points of zero synaptic action on test motoneuron.

From Landgren et al. 87
Figure 5. Figure 5.

Area of origin of pyramidal tract cells projecting to a lateral gastrocnemius motoneuron in monkey. A, B: averaged records of postsynaptic potentials evoked from indicated electrode positions by 0.4 and 0.5 mA, respectively. C, D, E: comparison of total projection areas and areas from which largest excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) were evoked at 0.4‐mA strength for illustrated lateral gastrocnemius motoneuron and for motoneurons to synergistic muscles (MG, medial gastrocnemius; PI, plantaris) and to antagonistic muscle (DP, deep peroneal).

From Jankowska et al. 75
Figure 6. Figure 6.

Composite figurine charts of precentral and supplementary motor areas of monkey brain derived from several experiments in which left cortex was mapped by systemic punctuate electrical stimulation. C, central sulcus; area between C and C' folds down to depth of sulcus. d, Medial edge of hemisphere; area between e and e' is supplementary motor area located on medial surface of hemisphere. Except for responses from points in ipsilateral motor face area (at extreme left), muscle responses are on right side of body. Strongest and earliest movements indicated in solid, intermediate in crosshatching, and weakest in stippling. Symbols with crosses on ankles indicate eversion of foot; symbols with open centers on hip and ankle signify adduction and inversion; curved lines with arrows designate rotation. e, Sulcus cinguli; i, inferior precentral sulcus.

From Woolsey et al. 163
Figure 7. Figure 7.

Distribution of potentials produced by antidromic activation of pyramidal tract neurons by stimulation of medullary pyramid in cat, A, and monkey, B. Potentials are not restricted to motor cortex.

From Woolsey and Chang 162
Figure 8. Figure 8.

Threshold changes for facilitation or inhibition of 4 spinal monosynaptie reflexes during insertion of stimulating microelectrode into cortex in cat (top right inset). Ordinates, threshold currents (μa) for just‐observable facilitation (upper graph) and inhibition (lower graph). Note that graphs symmetrically reach maximum current of 20 μa bordering hatched area, which indicates no effects with stimulation of 20 μa. EDL, extensor digitorum longus; ECU, extensor carpi ulnaris; ECR, extensor carpi radialis; EDC, extensor digitorum communis.

From Asanuma and Sakata 12
Figure 9. Figure 9.

Distribution of low‐threshold points for facilitation of monosynaptic reflexes in medianus pronator nerve (pronator of wrist). A: tracks that passed low‐threshold points of less than 20 μa. Each track number corresponds to surface position shown in B. Numbers along penetrations show threshold currents.

From Asanuma and Sakata 12
Figure 10. Figure 10.

Distribution of effective spots for producing thumb movements within depth of motor cortex. Effects examined at 100‐μm steps in each penetration. A: Examined with stimulating current of 5 μa. B: examined with 10 μa; ○, thumb flexion; □, thumb extention; •, thumb adduction; □, thumb abduction; —, spots of no effect.

From Asanuma and Rosén 10
Figure 11. Figure 11.

Descending volleys evoked by repetitive intracortical stimulation in monkey. A, F: antidromic potential from pyramidal tract cell. B–D, G–J: descending volleys evoked by increasing strength of stimulation at same electrode position as in A and F, recorded from lateral funiculus at L1–L2. J: intracortical stimulation with same strength as for D and I, but 300 μm deeper. Superimposed traces at left and corresponding averaged records at right. Amplitude of stimuli shown at right, and their timing on lower traces in D and J. Arrows indicate direct responses to cortical stimulation, negativity downward.

From Jankowska et al. 74
Figure 12. Figure 12.

Interconnections of some cell types in cerebral cortex. Two pyramidal cells shown in laminae 3 and 5. Specific afferent fiber (spec. aff.) shown to excite stellate cell (S1), the axon of which establishes cartridge‐type synapses on apical dendrites. Specific afferent fiber also excites stellate interneurons (S3) that give inhibition to pyramidal cells in adjacent cortical columns, indicated by shadings. Sp, stellate pyramidal cells; S2, short axon inhibitory cells in lamina 2; S5, S6, interneurons with ascending and descending axons.

From Szentágothai 149
Figure 13. Figure 13.

Terminal branches of pyramidal tract axons in lumbar cord of cat. Horizontal section cut slightly obliquely (inset diagram) showing relations of lateral corticospinal terminals (f1) to proprioneurons. Terminating corticospinal elements, c, project synaptically upon lateral dendrites and somata of propriospinal neurons d and e. At arrow, terminals from two different corticospinal fibers converge on same dendrite. Propriospinal neurons d and e project axons toward midline, m, and/or lateral propriospinal bundles, p, to form secondary terminals, f2.

From Scheibel and Scheibel 134
Figure 14. Figure 14.

Distribution of terminal branches of 4 pyramidal tract neurons in spinal cord. These 4 neurons recorded simultaneously through same cortical electrode. A: likely course of axonal branches summarized in 4 representative transverse planes. Each neuron represented by different line and symbol. B: areas of passage (open symbols) and termination (filled symbols) of axon collaterals in ventral horn in relation to motor nuclei identified by antidromically evoked potentials. Continuous bars, explored parts of spinal cord; dashed bars, unexplored areas; OTHER, those sites that histological examination indicated as ventral horn, but antidromic stimulation of isolated motor nerves did not identify nuclei. FDL, flexor digitorum longus; EDB, extensor digitorum brevis; EDL, extensor digitorum longus; PER, peroneus; LG, lateral gastrocnemius; MG, medial gastrocnemius; SOL, soleus; TIB, tibialis; L6, sixth lumbar segment; L7, seventh lumbar segment; S1, first sacral segment.

From Asanuma et al. 20
Figure 15. Figure 15.

Simplified diagram showing mode of pyramidal projection from motor cortex to spinal motor nuclei (MN). Group of pyramidal tract neurons located in small area of cortex project primarily to given motor nucleus, but some send axons to another motor nucleus and some send branches to more than one motor nucleus.

Figure 16. Figure 16.

Pyramidal effects on gastrocnemius‐so‐leus, G‐S, and deep peroneal, DP, monosynaptic reflexes. Reflexes were recorded simultaneously at two different sweep speeds. Upper traces, reflex discharges in ventral root; lower traces, potentials at dorsal root entry zone. A: unconditioned test reflex. B: effect of conditioning G‐S reflex with maximal group Ia volley in DP. C, D: effect of train of 6 stimuli to motor cortex on A and B. E‐H: repetition of same series after transection of pyramidal tract shown in inset.

From Lundberg and Voorhoeve 103
Figure 17. Figure 17.

Terminal intracortical domain generated by axon of single thalamic ventrolateral neuron shown in relation to large fifth‐layer pyramidal neuron. g, Gray matter‐white matter junction. Reconstruction at lower left shows single ventrolateral fiber system projecting onto pericruciate gyrus, pc. Two of these tridimensional plexuses are shown developing from same fiber via branch point, b; young kitten cortex. c, Cruciate sulcus; m, medial; 1, lateral.

From Scheibel and Scheibel, in Asanuma et al. 19
Figure 18. Figure 18.

Example of multimodal sensory inputs from small area in periphery to cortical column in cat. A: location of penetration on pericruciate cortex. Dotted line indicates sagittal plane of section. B: diagram of sagittal section and of radial penetration in gray matter. C: photomicrograph of part of section containing penetration. Figurines show peripheral receptive fields. Adequate stimuli to deep structures shown at left and those to the superficial structure shown at right.

From Welt et al. 159
Figure 19. Figure 19.

Afferent inputs converging into cortical efferent zone for palmar muscle. Of 8 penetrations, 4 passed through palmar zone, and 17 cells could be isolated within the zone. Six of 17 cells responded to natural stimulation of skin; receptive fields shown by figurines connected to cell locations by respective lines interrupted by penetration and cell number. These 6 neurons shared common receptive field on ventral surface of paw.

From Asanuma et al. 18
Figure 20. Figure 20.

Afferent inputs converging to thumb area of monkey motor cortex. Several penetrations passed through areas, which when stimulated produced extension, flexion, adduction, or abduction of thumb. Each area marked by symbols explained at lower right. Cortical sites from which movement could not be produced are shown by small bars on electrode tracks. Locations of isolated cells are indicated by dots, and are connected to descriptions of receptive fields and adequate stimuli by dotted lines. Filled areas on figurines are superficial receptive fields. UD, undriven cells.

From Rosén and Asanuma 133
Figure 21. Figure 21.

Thalamic neurons that transfer peripheral somesthetic inputs directly to motor cortex in cat. A: sagittal section of ventral thalamus showing electrode tracks and lesions. B: reconstruction of tracks from histological preparations. Short bars on tracks show locations of neurons with no receptive fields. Long bars at right are locations of neurons activated from skin receptors. Long bars at left are those activated from deep receptors. Circles indicate lesions made during experiment. Arrows indicate neurons activated antidromically from motor cortex. C: receptive fields of neurons shown in B. Solid areas indicate receptive fields for hair bending or light touch. Circles indicate deep receptive fields such as pressure or passive joint movement. Numbers on column correspond to track numbers, and each figurine corresponds to respective long bar on the track.

From Asanuma et al. 14
Figure 22. Figure 22.

Simplified diagram of connections between motor cortex (motor Cx) and periphery. Neurons in motor cortex are connected predominantly in radial direction and are subdivided into cortical efferent zones marked by hatched and dotted areas. Fringes of these efferent zones overlap with fringes of others, constituting overlapping mosaic within cortex. These efferent zones are intercalated with silent areas where threshold for motor effect is high. Corticospinal fibers from given efferent zone project most heavily to given motor nuclei to produce contraction of a muscle, but they also project to other motor nuclei to produce subliminal fringes of excitation. Afferent inputs originated by contraction of target muscle ascend spinal cord and project to original efferent zone directly through nucleus ventralis pars oralis, constituting a closed loop between cortex and periphery. This corticoperipheral loop circuit is well developed for distal limb muscles but is less clear for proximal muscles.

Figure 1.

A: Ferrier's historic map of motor representation of monkey brain 46. 1, Opposite hindlimb is advanced as in walking. 2, Flexion with outward rotation of thigh, rotation inward of leg, with flexion of toes. 3, Tail. 4, Opposite arm is adducted, extended, and retracted; hand pronated. 5, Extension forward of opposite arm; a, b, c, d, movements of fingers and wrists. 6, Flexion and spination of forearm. 7, Retraction and elevation of angle of mouth. 8, Elevation of ala of nose and upper lip. 9 and 10, Opening of mouth with protrusion, 9, and retraction, 10, of tongue. 11, Retraction of angle of mouth. 12, Eyes open widely, pupils dilate, and head and eyes turn to opposite side. 13 and 13′, Eyes move to opposite side. 14, Pricking of opposite ear, head and eyes turn to opposite side, pupils dilate widely. B: motor representation in brain of chimpanzee. Left hemisphere viewed from side and above to obtain best configuration of sulcus centralis area. Motor area indicated by stippling. Shaded regions, marked EYES, indicate portions of cortex that yield conjugate movements of eyeballs under faradization. S.F., superior frontal sulcus; S.Pr., superior precentral sulcus; I. Pr., inferior precentral sulcus.

A from Ferrier 46; B from Sherrington 137

Figure 2.

Diagrammatic representation of hypothetical distribution of pyramidal tract cells for individual muscles. Cell group for each muscle has focal distribution and overlapping fringe. Each symbol represents a pyramidal tract cell. Large concentric circles are spheres of excitation. Expected contraction of muscles to cortical stimulation at different strength shown by myograms in lower portion, in which magnitude of contraction is determined by number of pyramidal tract cells involved in sphere of excitation.

From Chang et al. 33

Figure 3.

Pyramidal tract responses (R) to stimulation (S) of motor cortex and white matter in monkey. Recording electrode in lateral column of spinal cord at first cervical segment. Downward deflection indicates positivity at electrode in pyramidal tract. Time: 1 ms. Direct (D) and indirect (I) waves present at left, whereas only D‐wave at right.

From Patton and Amassian 123

Figure 4.

Amplitude change of monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) recorded in radial motoneuron of baboon. Amplitude plotted against distance from best point. Large curves, stimulus 1.3 mA; small curves, stimulus 0.75 mA; membrane potential —66 mV. Dotted line, points along line at right angles to Rolandic fissure; unbroken line, points parallel to Rolandic fissure. Upper right: points of stimulation around Rolandic fissure. Large circle, best point. Arcs show farthest limits of cell populations excited by stimuli applied at points of zero synaptic action on test motoneuron.

From Landgren et al. 87

Figure 5.

Area of origin of pyramidal tract cells projecting to a lateral gastrocnemius motoneuron in monkey. A, B: averaged records of postsynaptic potentials evoked from indicated electrode positions by 0.4 and 0.5 mA, respectively. C, D, E: comparison of total projection areas and areas from which largest excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) were evoked at 0.4‐mA strength for illustrated lateral gastrocnemius motoneuron and for motoneurons to synergistic muscles (MG, medial gastrocnemius; PI, plantaris) and to antagonistic muscle (DP, deep peroneal).

From Jankowska et al. 75

Figure 6.

Composite figurine charts of precentral and supplementary motor areas of monkey brain derived from several experiments in which left cortex was mapped by systemic punctuate electrical stimulation. C, central sulcus; area between C and C' folds down to depth of sulcus. d, Medial edge of hemisphere; area between e and e' is supplementary motor area located on medial surface of hemisphere. Except for responses from points in ipsilateral motor face area (at extreme left), muscle responses are on right side of body. Strongest and earliest movements indicated in solid, intermediate in crosshatching, and weakest in stippling. Symbols with crosses on ankles indicate eversion of foot; symbols with open centers on hip and ankle signify adduction and inversion; curved lines with arrows designate rotation. e, Sulcus cinguli; i, inferior precentral sulcus.

From Woolsey et al. 163

Figure 7.

Distribution of potentials produced by antidromic activation of pyramidal tract neurons by stimulation of medullary pyramid in cat, A, and monkey, B. Potentials are not restricted to motor cortex.

From Woolsey and Chang 162

Figure 8.

Threshold changes for facilitation or inhibition of 4 spinal monosynaptie reflexes during insertion of stimulating microelectrode into cortex in cat (top right inset). Ordinates, threshold currents (μa) for just‐observable facilitation (upper graph) and inhibition (lower graph). Note that graphs symmetrically reach maximum current of 20 μa bordering hatched area, which indicates no effects with stimulation of 20 μa. EDL, extensor digitorum longus; ECU, extensor carpi ulnaris; ECR, extensor carpi radialis; EDC, extensor digitorum communis.

From Asanuma and Sakata 12

Figure 9.

Distribution of low‐threshold points for facilitation of monosynaptic reflexes in medianus pronator nerve (pronator of wrist). A: tracks that passed low‐threshold points of less than 20 μa. Each track number corresponds to surface position shown in B. Numbers along penetrations show threshold currents.

From Asanuma and Sakata 12

Figure 10.

Distribution of effective spots for producing thumb movements within depth of motor cortex. Effects examined at 100‐μm steps in each penetration. A: Examined with stimulating current of 5 μa. B: examined with 10 μa; ○, thumb flexion; □, thumb extention; •, thumb adduction; □, thumb abduction; —, spots of no effect.

From Asanuma and Rosén 10

Figure 11.

Descending volleys evoked by repetitive intracortical stimulation in monkey. A, F: antidromic potential from pyramidal tract cell. B–D, G–J: descending volleys evoked by increasing strength of stimulation at same electrode position as in A and F, recorded from lateral funiculus at L1–L2. J: intracortical stimulation with same strength as for D and I, but 300 μm deeper. Superimposed traces at left and corresponding averaged records at right. Amplitude of stimuli shown at right, and their timing on lower traces in D and J. Arrows indicate direct responses to cortical stimulation, negativity downward.

From Jankowska et al. 74

Figure 12.

Interconnections of some cell types in cerebral cortex. Two pyramidal cells shown in laminae 3 and 5. Specific afferent fiber (spec. aff.) shown to excite stellate cell (S1), the axon of which establishes cartridge‐type synapses on apical dendrites. Specific afferent fiber also excites stellate interneurons (S3) that give inhibition to pyramidal cells in adjacent cortical columns, indicated by shadings. Sp, stellate pyramidal cells; S2, short axon inhibitory cells in lamina 2; S5, S6, interneurons with ascending and descending axons.

From Szentágothai 149

Figure 13.

Terminal branches of pyramidal tract axons in lumbar cord of cat. Horizontal section cut slightly obliquely (inset diagram) showing relations of lateral corticospinal terminals (f1) to proprioneurons. Terminating corticospinal elements, c, project synaptically upon lateral dendrites and somata of propriospinal neurons d and e. At arrow, terminals from two different corticospinal fibers converge on same dendrite. Propriospinal neurons d and e project axons toward midline, m, and/or lateral propriospinal bundles, p, to form secondary terminals, f2.

From Scheibel and Scheibel 134

Figure 14.

Distribution of terminal branches of 4 pyramidal tract neurons in spinal cord. These 4 neurons recorded simultaneously through same cortical electrode. A: likely course of axonal branches summarized in 4 representative transverse planes. Each neuron represented by different line and symbol. B: areas of passage (open symbols) and termination (filled symbols) of axon collaterals in ventral horn in relation to motor nuclei identified by antidromically evoked potentials. Continuous bars, explored parts of spinal cord; dashed bars, unexplored areas; OTHER, those sites that histological examination indicated as ventral horn, but antidromic stimulation of isolated motor nerves did not identify nuclei. FDL, flexor digitorum longus; EDB, extensor digitorum brevis; EDL, extensor digitorum longus; PER, peroneus; LG, lateral gastrocnemius; MG, medial gastrocnemius; SOL, soleus; TIB, tibialis; L6, sixth lumbar segment; L7, seventh lumbar segment; S1, first sacral segment.

From Asanuma et al. 20

Figure 15.

Simplified diagram showing mode of pyramidal projection from motor cortex to spinal motor nuclei (MN). Group of pyramidal tract neurons located in small area of cortex project primarily to given motor nucleus, but some send axons to another motor nucleus and some send branches to more than one motor nucleus.

Figure 16.

Pyramidal effects on gastrocnemius‐so‐leus, G‐S, and deep peroneal, DP, monosynaptic reflexes. Reflexes were recorded simultaneously at two different sweep speeds. Upper traces, reflex discharges in ventral root; lower traces, potentials at dorsal root entry zone. A: unconditioned test reflex. B: effect of conditioning G‐S reflex with maximal group Ia volley in DP. C, D: effect of train of 6 stimuli to motor cortex on A and B. E‐H: repetition of same series after transection of pyramidal tract shown in inset.

From Lundberg and Voorhoeve 103

Figure 17.

Terminal intracortical domain generated by axon of single thalamic ventrolateral neuron shown in relation to large fifth‐layer pyramidal neuron. g, Gray matter‐white matter junction. Reconstruction at lower left shows single ventrolateral fiber system projecting onto pericruciate gyrus, pc. Two of these tridimensional plexuses are shown developing from same fiber via branch point, b; young kitten cortex. c, Cruciate sulcus; m, medial; 1, lateral.

From Scheibel and Scheibel, in Asanuma et al. 19

Figure 18.

Example of multimodal sensory inputs from small area in periphery to cortical column in cat. A: location of penetration on pericruciate cortex. Dotted line indicates sagittal plane of section. B: diagram of sagittal section and of radial penetration in gray matter. C: photomicrograph of part of section containing penetration. Figurines show peripheral receptive fields. Adequate stimuli to deep structures shown at left and those to the superficial structure shown at right.

From Welt et al. 159

Figure 19.

Afferent inputs converging into cortical efferent zone for palmar muscle. Of 8 penetrations, 4 passed through palmar zone, and 17 cells could be isolated within the zone. Six of 17 cells responded to natural stimulation of skin; receptive fields shown by figurines connected to cell locations by respective lines interrupted by penetration and cell number. These 6 neurons shared common receptive field on ventral surface of paw.

From Asanuma et al. 18

Figure 20.

Afferent inputs converging to thumb area of monkey motor cortex. Several penetrations passed through areas, which when stimulated produced extension, flexion, adduction, or abduction of thumb. Each area marked by symbols explained at lower right. Cortical sites from which movement could not be produced are shown by small bars on electrode tracks. Locations of isolated cells are indicated by dots, and are connected to descriptions of receptive fields and adequate stimuli by dotted lines. Filled areas on figurines are superficial receptive fields. UD, undriven cells.

From Rosén and Asanuma 133

Figure 21.

Thalamic neurons that transfer peripheral somesthetic inputs directly to motor cortex in cat. A: sagittal section of ventral thalamus showing electrode tracks and lesions. B: reconstruction of tracks from histological preparations. Short bars on tracks show locations of neurons with no receptive fields. Long bars at right are locations of neurons activated from skin receptors. Long bars at left are those activated from deep receptors. Circles indicate lesions made during experiment. Arrows indicate neurons activated antidromically from motor cortex. C: receptive fields of neurons shown in B. Solid areas indicate receptive fields for hair bending or light touch. Circles indicate deep receptive fields such as pressure or passive joint movement. Numbers on column correspond to track numbers, and each figurine corresponds to respective long bar on the track.

From Asanuma et al. 14

Figure 22.

Simplified diagram of connections between motor cortex (motor Cx) and periphery. Neurons in motor cortex are connected predominantly in radial direction and are subdivided into cortical efferent zones marked by hatched and dotted areas. Fringes of these efferent zones overlap with fringes of others, constituting overlapping mosaic within cortex. These efferent zones are intercalated with silent areas where threshold for motor effect is high. Corticospinal fibers from given efferent zone project most heavily to given motor nuclei to produce contraction of a muscle, but they also project to other motor nuclei to produce subliminal fringes of excitation. Afferent inputs originated by contraction of target muscle ascend spinal cord and project to original efferent zone directly through nucleus ventralis pars oralis, constituting a closed loop between cortex and periphery. This corticoperipheral loop circuit is well developed for distal limb muscles but is less clear for proximal muscles.

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Hiroshi Asanuma. The Pyramidal Tract. Compr Physiol 2011, Supplement 2: Handbook of Physiology, The Nervous System, Motor Control: 703-733. First published in print 1981. doi: 10.1002/cphy.cp010215