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Electrophysiology of the Corpus Striatum and Brain Stem Integrating Systems

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The sections in this article are:

1 Afferents to Neostriatum
1.1 Corticostriatal Afferents
1.2 Thalamostriatal Afferents
1.3 Nigrostriatal Afferents
1.4 Other Afferents to Striatum
1.5 Convergence of Extrinsic Inputs to Striatal Neurons
2 Striatal Efferent Systems
2.1 Striatopallidal System
2.2 Striatonigral System
2.3 Striatal Projection Neurons
3 Pallidal Efferent System
3.1 Pallidothalamic Projection
3.2 Pallidosubthalamic Projection
4 Nigral Efferent System
4.1 Nigrostriatal Projection
4.2 Nigrothalamic Projection
4.3 Nigrotectal Projection
5 Summary
Figure 1. Figure 1.

Samples of cortically evoked potentials. Single electrical pulse of sufficient intensity delivered to cortical surface (PMS, posterior middle suprasylvian gyrus; ASG, anterior sigmoid gyrus) evoked a sequence of potential waves—an initial positive deflection followed by a long‐lasting negative wave. When PMS and ASG were stimulated simultaneously, the potential waves summed without occlusion. Each trace was formed by super‐imposition of 6 sweeps. Traces were triggered by 0.5‐ms stimulus.

From Blake et al. 10
Figure 2. Figure 2.

Averaged spike‐filtered intracellular responses of caudate neurons to electrical stimulation of thalamus, cerebral cortex, and brain stem. A: substantia nigra (SN). B: precruciate cortex (CX). C: ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (VL). D: anterior median thalamic nucleus (AM). E: central median thalamic nucleus (CM). All traces are computed averages of 10 consecutive responses. Onset of stimulation marked by upward arrow in each trace. Most common type of response was a sequence of EPSPs followed by IPSP.

From Buchwald et al. 13
Figure 3. Figure 3.

Synaptic potentials recorded from rat caudate‐putamen monosynaptically excited following electrical stimulation of cerebral cortex (A, B), central median‐parafascicular complex (C, D), and substantia nigra (E, F). Note superimposed graded responses of constant latency with changes in stimulation intensity. B, D, and F were photographed at a faster steep speed than A, C, and E so that response onset could be discerned. Stimulation onset is indicated by arrows. Bottom trace in each set of traces is the extracellular control response. This is the field potential recorded in the immediate vicinity of the recorded neuron in response to the highest level of stimulation used for the intracellular data. It was taken immediately after coming out of the cell. Calibration in A is also for C. Calibration in B is also for D and F.

Figure 4. Figure 4.

Two types (type I and type II) of extracellular records monitored from rat substantia nigra cells. A shows 3 different type I cells. In general, action potentials are wide, often display a distinct initial segment (1st record in A), and have a large positive component. B show 2 type II cells. Type II cells are characterized by a narrower action potential and have no distinct late positivity.

From Guyenet and Aghajanian 48
Figure 5. Figure 5.

Records from rat striatal spiny neurons monosynaptically excited by electrical stimulation of dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN). A and B: stimulation of DRN at 3 different intensities (8, 12, and 18 V) elicits EPSPs of increasing amplitude but constant latency, indicating monosynaptic nature of inputs. Traces in B are same as in A, but are at a faster sweep and higher gain. Stimulation onset is indicated by arrows. Bottom trace in A and dashed line in B show extracellularly recorded control response. C: passage of 4.7 nA of hyperpolarizing current through recording electrode increased amplitude of DRN‐induced EPSP, whereas 4.8 nA of depolarizing current decreased its amplitude. Middle of the 3 superimposed traces is response when no current was being injected. Bottom trace in C is extracellular control. D and E: EPSP‐IPSP sequences are seen in response to DRN stimulation: action potentials are clipped in D. E: when cell is hyperpolarized by continuously injecting 2.0 nA of negative current, spikes are suppressed, EPSP increases in magnitude, and IPSP decreases. Bottom trace in E is extracellular control for D and E. F and G: low‐gain DC traces from this same cell showing single spike (F) or no spike (G) triggered by initial EPSP, followed by suppression of action potentials during IPSP, followed by rebound excitation with many action potentials. Stimulation was 18 V for both traces, which were recorded within 6 s of each other. Bottom trace in G (with lowered beam intensity) is extracellular control for F and G. H and I: convergence of inputs onto single neuron from stimulation of DRN (H) and cerebral cortex (I). Bottom traces in H and I are low‐gain DC traces (20‐mV calibration), upper traces are high‐gain AC traces (4‐mV calibration), and dashed lines are extracellular control responses. J: frequency histogram of EPSP response latencies for caudateputamen neurons following stimulation of DRN. AE are computer‐averaged traces (n = 8 sweeps), F and G are single sweeps, and H and I are superimposed sweeps. A and B are from single neuron, C is from a 2nd neuron, DG are from a 3rd neuron, and H and I are from a 4th neuron. Positivity upward.

From VanderMaelen, Bonduki, and Kitai 113
Figure 6. Figure 6.

Intracellular recordings from cat pallidal‐entopeduncular nucleus following stimulation of substantia nigra. A: stimulation of substantia nigra at 15 V induces IPSPs. B: injection of hyperpolarizing current of 10 nA through recording electrode reverses polarity of IPSPs to positive. C: extracellular control record. D: frequency histogram of IPSP response latencies for entopeduncular neurons following stimulation of substantia nigra. Ordinate shows number of IPSPs and abscissa shows latency.

From Yoshida et al. 116
Figure 7. Figure 7.

Intracellular recordings from pallidal neurons in encéphale isolé cats. AC: EPSP‐IPSP sequence of responses are elicited in ventral lenticular (pallidal) neuron during low‐frequency (6/s) caudate stimulation. AC are 1st 3 responses evoked by repetitive stimulus train. The IPSP is well developed following first caudate stimulus. Short‐latency evoked EPSPs in B and C fail to elicit spikes probably as consequence of encroachment by IPSPs. Upper trace in AC is monopolarly recorded cortical surface response. Negativity upward.

From Malliani and Purpura 81
Figure 8. Figure 8.

Extra‐ and intracellular responses of cat nigral neurons evoked by electrical stimulation of caudate nucleus. A: extracellularly recorded spontaneous discharges of nigral neuron. B: inhibition of neuron in A during positive field potential evoked by stimulation of caudate nucleus. C: IPSP, induced by stimulation of caudate nucleus, followed by depolarizing potential in a nigra cell. D: extracellular control record. E: IPSP evoked in nigra cell of C following stimulation of cerebral peduncle. F: extracellular control for E. G and H: Caudate‐evoked IPSPs averaged by signal averager; 16 traces were averaged. Extracellular control record is superimposed by G. H shows net IPSPs obtained by subtracting extracellular response (upper trace of G) from intracellular response (lower trace of G). I: IPSP response latencies for nigral neurons following stimulation of caudate nucleus and cerebral peduncle plotted against distance between stimulating and recording sites. Regression line drawn through points, calculated by least squares method, has a y‐intercept of 0.8 ms when extrapolated to zero distance. This indicates that IPSPs evoked by caudate stimulation are monosynaptic in nature.

From Yoshida and Precht 115
Figure 9. Figure 9.

Antidromic (A and B) and orthodromic (C and D) responses of cat caudate neurons intracellularly recorded. A: all‐or‐none constant‐latency action potential elicited by nigral stimulation. No synaptic potential was seen when action potential failed. B: superimposed records of responses to paired stimuli in test for collision between intracellularly evoked spike (conditioning) and nigral‐evoked spike (test). Upward and downward arrows indicate onset and offset of depolarizing pulse. First small upward arrow indicates point at which nigral stimulation failed to induce an action potential and second small upward arrow indicates nigral stimulation corresponding to longest latency potential. C: EPSPs evoked by nigral stimulation. Variation of stimulus intensity elicits graded amplitude but constant‐latency responses. Bottom traces show low‐gain DC records. D: thalamic‐induced EPSPs recorded from neuron in C. Bottom traces are low‐gain DC; 10‐ms calibration in B applies also to C and D. High‐gain 4 mV and low‐gain 20 mV in D also applies to C. E: frequency histogram of antidromic action potentials evoked by nigral stimulation. Abscissa indicates latency of antidromic spike.

From Kitai et al. 67 in Advances in Neurology, © 1979, Raven Press, NY
Figure 10. Figure 10.

Morphology of striatal projection neurons labeled by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and reconstructed from serial sections with aid of drawing tube. Recording microelectrodes were filled with HRP solution. Subsequent to electrophysiological analysis, HRP was electrophoresed into impaled neuron to permit later histological processing and morphological identification and analysis. A: reconstruction of cat caudate projection neuron that responded antidromically and synaptically to substantia nigra stimulation. Arrow indicates axon. B: a reconstruction drawing of rat striatal projection neuron, the axon of which was traced into globus pallidus. Arrows in B indicate fine terminal portion of dendrites. Asterisks indicate points of axon‐collateral origin.

From Kitai et al. 67 in Advances in Neurology, © 1979, Raven Press, NY
Figure 11. Figure 11.

Photomicrographically recorded features of rat striatal projection neurons labeled by intracellularly injected horseradish peroxidase. A: sagittal section of striatal projection neuron with dorsorostrally (top) and ventrocaudally (bottom) directed dendrites arising from an oval soma. B: another projection neuron, in frontal section, with dorsally (top) and ventrally (bottom) directed dendrites and an oval soma. C and D: distal terminations of projection‐neuron dendrites. E: sagittal view of polygonal soma of another projection neuron with radially directed dendrites. Arrow points to ventrocaudally directed axon of cell. F, G, and H: high‐power photomicrographs of cell in E. Note absence of spines on soma and proximal dendrites, but high density of spines on distal dendrites in F and on more distal dendrites in G and H. I: initial segment of axon of cell in B. Arrow indicates point where axon thins abruptly to a diameter that is maintained for remainder of projection. J: right‐angle origin of axon collateral from distinct nodal point (arrow). K: beadlike swellings and side branches observed on axon collaterals. Calibration in A also applies to B and E. Calibration in G also applies to F. H, J, and K.

From Preston, Bishop, and Kitai 96
Figure 12. Figure 12.

Intracellular recordings from thalamic (ventrolateral) neurons in cats anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital following stimulation of corpus striatum (ansa lenticularis) and contralateral brachium conjunctivum. A: convergent monosynaptic excitation of a ventrolateral (VL) neuron by ansa lenticularis (A, C, and D) and brachium conjunctivum (B) stimulation. Spikes in B and C truncated for display purposes. Note minimal latency differences of EPSPs in B and C. Ansa lenticularis‐evoked EPSP is shown in isolation in D. E and F: records obtained from different VL neuron following ansa lenticularis (E) and brachium conjunctivum (F) stimulation. Only the brachium‐evoked EPSP is succeeded by prolonged IPSP, early phase of which exhibits low‐frequency oscillations. G and 77: example of convergent, but reciprocal, synaptic effects observed in VL neuron following ansa lenticularis (G) and brachium conjunctivum (H) stimulation. Responses in each case were elicited at 2 levels of membrane polarization. G: upper record obtained during spontaneous discharges, lower record during phase of increased membrane polarization in which spontaneous discharges were eliminated. In each instance ansa lenticularis stimulation evoked a 4‐ to 6‐ms IPSP. 77: lower record of pair obtained during a spontaneous long‐duration IPSP. Brachium conjunctivum stimulation elicits a 4‐ to 6‐ms‐latency EPSP and spike discharge. The EPSP is revealed in isolation during spontaneous IPSP. IL: examples of similar long‐latency EPSP‐IPSP sequences elicited in VL neuron by repetitive stimulation in region of entopeduncular nucleus (I and J, continuous recording) and stimulation of medial thalamic nucleus (K and L, continuous recording). Upper channel records obtained from motor cortex. Note prominent long‐latency surface negative recruiting response evoked by medial thalamic stimulation.

From Desiraju and Purpura 24
Figure 13. Figure 13.

Intracellular records of short‐latency IPSPs from cat ventroanterior and ventrolateral thalamic (VA‐VL) neurons following stimulation of entopeduncular nucleus (ENT; medial pallidal segment). A: ENT‐evoked IPSPs in thalamic neuron. B: extracellular control for A. C–E: IPSPs produced in another cell, recorded at 3 different sweep velocities. F: ENT‐evoked IPSPs recorded in thalamic cell. G: reversed IPSPs obtained by injecting chloride ions electrophoretically through microelectrode in same cell as in F. H: inhibition of extracellularly recorded spike discharges following ENT stimulation. I: latency histogram for IPSPs in 24 neurons. JL: IPSPs evoked by double‐shock stimulation of ENT nucleus. Shock intervals: 0.5 ms, J; 1.1 ms, K; and 6.5 ms, L. Arrows in H and JL indicate time of stimulation. Voltage scales are 1 mV for A–G, J–L, and 0.5 mV for H. Recording time constant, 10 ms for A, B, F, G, J–L, and 1 s for CE.

From Uno and Yoshida 111
Figure 14. Figure 14.

Intracellular recordings from cat ventrolateral and ventromedial thalamic (VL‐VM) neurons following stimulation of contralateral brachium conjunctivum (BC) and substantia nigra (SN). A: monosynaptic EPSPs evoked in VL neuron by stimulation of BC (2nd shock; 1st shock was to SN). B: intracellular recording of VM neuron; BC stimulation did not evoke any response in this cell. C: SN‐evoked IPSPs (1st shock) in cell of B. Second shock indicates BC stimulation, producing no transsynaptic potentials. Lower traces in A and C, juxtacellular field potentials. D: inhibition of extracellularly recorded spike discharges of a VM neuron following SN stimulation. Arrow indicates stimulus artifact. E: IPSPs produced by stimulation of SN (1st shock) and midpoint between SN and recording site (2nd shock). F: same as in E, but IPSPs were reversed to depolarizing potentials by iontophoretic injection of chloride into cell through recording electrode. G: superimposed tracing of E and F. Arrows indicate onset of IPSPs. H: latencies of IPSPs (ordinate) plotted against distance between stimulating and recording sites in 5 cells (abscissa). Voltage scales are 1 mV for AC, 0.5 mV for D, and 2 mV for EG. Time scales are 2 ms for AC and EG, and 10 ms for D.

From Ueki et al. 110
Figure 15. Figure 15.

Summary of neuronal circuitry in basal ganglia and related structures. Open terminals are excitatory connections, and filled terminals are inhibitory connections. CMP, central median‐parafascicular complex; DR, dorsal raphe nucleus; GP, globus pallidus; 1, lateral; m, medial; Pc, pars compacta; Pr, pars reticulata; SN, substantia nigra; ST, subthalamus; TE, midbrain tectum; VA, ventroanterior nucleus of thalamus; VL, ventrolateral nucleus of thalamus; VM, ventromedial nucleus of thalamus.

Figure 1.

Samples of cortically evoked potentials. Single electrical pulse of sufficient intensity delivered to cortical surface (PMS, posterior middle suprasylvian gyrus; ASG, anterior sigmoid gyrus) evoked a sequence of potential waves—an initial positive deflection followed by a long‐lasting negative wave. When PMS and ASG were stimulated simultaneously, the potential waves summed without occlusion. Each trace was formed by super‐imposition of 6 sweeps. Traces were triggered by 0.5‐ms stimulus.

From Blake et al. 10

Figure 2.

Averaged spike‐filtered intracellular responses of caudate neurons to electrical stimulation of thalamus, cerebral cortex, and brain stem. A: substantia nigra (SN). B: precruciate cortex (CX). C: ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (VL). D: anterior median thalamic nucleus (AM). E: central median thalamic nucleus (CM). All traces are computed averages of 10 consecutive responses. Onset of stimulation marked by upward arrow in each trace. Most common type of response was a sequence of EPSPs followed by IPSP.

From Buchwald et al. 13

Figure 3.

Synaptic potentials recorded from rat caudate‐putamen monosynaptically excited following electrical stimulation of cerebral cortex (A, B), central median‐parafascicular complex (C, D), and substantia nigra (E, F). Note superimposed graded responses of constant latency with changes in stimulation intensity. B, D, and F were photographed at a faster steep speed than A, C, and E so that response onset could be discerned. Stimulation onset is indicated by arrows. Bottom trace in each set of traces is the extracellular control response. This is the field potential recorded in the immediate vicinity of the recorded neuron in response to the highest level of stimulation used for the intracellular data. It was taken immediately after coming out of the cell. Calibration in A is also for C. Calibration in B is also for D and F.

Figure 4.

Two types (type I and type II) of extracellular records monitored from rat substantia nigra cells. A shows 3 different type I cells. In general, action potentials are wide, often display a distinct initial segment (1st record in A), and have a large positive component. B show 2 type II cells. Type II cells are characterized by a narrower action potential and have no distinct late positivity.

From Guyenet and Aghajanian 48

Figure 5.

Records from rat striatal spiny neurons monosynaptically excited by electrical stimulation of dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN). A and B: stimulation of DRN at 3 different intensities (8, 12, and 18 V) elicits EPSPs of increasing amplitude but constant latency, indicating monosynaptic nature of inputs. Traces in B are same as in A, but are at a faster sweep and higher gain. Stimulation onset is indicated by arrows. Bottom trace in A and dashed line in B show extracellularly recorded control response. C: passage of 4.7 nA of hyperpolarizing current through recording electrode increased amplitude of DRN‐induced EPSP, whereas 4.8 nA of depolarizing current decreased its amplitude. Middle of the 3 superimposed traces is response when no current was being injected. Bottom trace in C is extracellular control. D and E: EPSP‐IPSP sequences are seen in response to DRN stimulation: action potentials are clipped in D. E: when cell is hyperpolarized by continuously injecting 2.0 nA of negative current, spikes are suppressed, EPSP increases in magnitude, and IPSP decreases. Bottom trace in E is extracellular control for D and E. F and G: low‐gain DC traces from this same cell showing single spike (F) or no spike (G) triggered by initial EPSP, followed by suppression of action potentials during IPSP, followed by rebound excitation with many action potentials. Stimulation was 18 V for both traces, which were recorded within 6 s of each other. Bottom trace in G (with lowered beam intensity) is extracellular control for F and G. H and I: convergence of inputs onto single neuron from stimulation of DRN (H) and cerebral cortex (I). Bottom traces in H and I are low‐gain DC traces (20‐mV calibration), upper traces are high‐gain AC traces (4‐mV calibration), and dashed lines are extracellular control responses. J: frequency histogram of EPSP response latencies for caudateputamen neurons following stimulation of DRN. AE are computer‐averaged traces (n = 8 sweeps), F and G are single sweeps, and H and I are superimposed sweeps. A and B are from single neuron, C is from a 2nd neuron, DG are from a 3rd neuron, and H and I are from a 4th neuron. Positivity upward.

From VanderMaelen, Bonduki, and Kitai 113

Figure 6.

Intracellular recordings from cat pallidal‐entopeduncular nucleus following stimulation of substantia nigra. A: stimulation of substantia nigra at 15 V induces IPSPs. B: injection of hyperpolarizing current of 10 nA through recording electrode reverses polarity of IPSPs to positive. C: extracellular control record. D: frequency histogram of IPSP response latencies for entopeduncular neurons following stimulation of substantia nigra. Ordinate shows number of IPSPs and abscissa shows latency.

From Yoshida et al. 116

Figure 7.

Intracellular recordings from pallidal neurons in encéphale isolé cats. AC: EPSP‐IPSP sequence of responses are elicited in ventral lenticular (pallidal) neuron during low‐frequency (6/s) caudate stimulation. AC are 1st 3 responses evoked by repetitive stimulus train. The IPSP is well developed following first caudate stimulus. Short‐latency evoked EPSPs in B and C fail to elicit spikes probably as consequence of encroachment by IPSPs. Upper trace in AC is monopolarly recorded cortical surface response. Negativity upward.

From Malliani and Purpura 81

Figure 8.

Extra‐ and intracellular responses of cat nigral neurons evoked by electrical stimulation of caudate nucleus. A: extracellularly recorded spontaneous discharges of nigral neuron. B: inhibition of neuron in A during positive field potential evoked by stimulation of caudate nucleus. C: IPSP, induced by stimulation of caudate nucleus, followed by depolarizing potential in a nigra cell. D: extracellular control record. E: IPSP evoked in nigra cell of C following stimulation of cerebral peduncle. F: extracellular control for E. G and H: Caudate‐evoked IPSPs averaged by signal averager; 16 traces were averaged. Extracellular control record is superimposed by G. H shows net IPSPs obtained by subtracting extracellular response (upper trace of G) from intracellular response (lower trace of G). I: IPSP response latencies for nigral neurons following stimulation of caudate nucleus and cerebral peduncle plotted against distance between stimulating and recording sites. Regression line drawn through points, calculated by least squares method, has a y‐intercept of 0.8 ms when extrapolated to zero distance. This indicates that IPSPs evoked by caudate stimulation are monosynaptic in nature.

From Yoshida and Precht 115

Figure 9.

Antidromic (A and B) and orthodromic (C and D) responses of cat caudate neurons intracellularly recorded. A: all‐or‐none constant‐latency action potential elicited by nigral stimulation. No synaptic potential was seen when action potential failed. B: superimposed records of responses to paired stimuli in test for collision between intracellularly evoked spike (conditioning) and nigral‐evoked spike (test). Upward and downward arrows indicate onset and offset of depolarizing pulse. First small upward arrow indicates point at which nigral stimulation failed to induce an action potential and second small upward arrow indicates nigral stimulation corresponding to longest latency potential. C: EPSPs evoked by nigral stimulation. Variation of stimulus intensity elicits graded amplitude but constant‐latency responses. Bottom traces show low‐gain DC records. D: thalamic‐induced EPSPs recorded from neuron in C. Bottom traces are low‐gain DC; 10‐ms calibration in B applies also to C and D. High‐gain 4 mV and low‐gain 20 mV in D also applies to C. E: frequency histogram of antidromic action potentials evoked by nigral stimulation. Abscissa indicates latency of antidromic spike.

From Kitai et al. 67 in Advances in Neurology, © 1979, Raven Press, NY

Figure 10.

Morphology of striatal projection neurons labeled by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and reconstructed from serial sections with aid of drawing tube. Recording microelectrodes were filled with HRP solution. Subsequent to electrophysiological analysis, HRP was electrophoresed into impaled neuron to permit later histological processing and morphological identification and analysis. A: reconstruction of cat caudate projection neuron that responded antidromically and synaptically to substantia nigra stimulation. Arrow indicates axon. B: a reconstruction drawing of rat striatal projection neuron, the axon of which was traced into globus pallidus. Arrows in B indicate fine terminal portion of dendrites. Asterisks indicate points of axon‐collateral origin.

From Kitai et al. 67 in Advances in Neurology, © 1979, Raven Press, NY

Figure 11.

Photomicrographically recorded features of rat striatal projection neurons labeled by intracellularly injected horseradish peroxidase. A: sagittal section of striatal projection neuron with dorsorostrally (top) and ventrocaudally (bottom) directed dendrites arising from an oval soma. B: another projection neuron, in frontal section, with dorsally (top) and ventrally (bottom) directed dendrites and an oval soma. C and D: distal terminations of projection‐neuron dendrites. E: sagittal view of polygonal soma of another projection neuron with radially directed dendrites. Arrow points to ventrocaudally directed axon of cell. F, G, and H: high‐power photomicrographs of cell in E. Note absence of spines on soma and proximal dendrites, but high density of spines on distal dendrites in F and on more distal dendrites in G and H. I: initial segment of axon of cell in B. Arrow indicates point where axon thins abruptly to a diameter that is maintained for remainder of projection. J: right‐angle origin of axon collateral from distinct nodal point (arrow). K: beadlike swellings and side branches observed on axon collaterals. Calibration in A also applies to B and E. Calibration in G also applies to F. H, J, and K.

From Preston, Bishop, and Kitai 96

Figure 12.

Intracellular recordings from thalamic (ventrolateral) neurons in cats anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital following stimulation of corpus striatum (ansa lenticularis) and contralateral brachium conjunctivum. A: convergent monosynaptic excitation of a ventrolateral (VL) neuron by ansa lenticularis (A, C, and D) and brachium conjunctivum (B) stimulation. Spikes in B and C truncated for display purposes. Note minimal latency differences of EPSPs in B and C. Ansa lenticularis‐evoked EPSP is shown in isolation in D. E and F: records obtained from different VL neuron following ansa lenticularis (E) and brachium conjunctivum (F) stimulation. Only the brachium‐evoked EPSP is succeeded by prolonged IPSP, early phase of which exhibits low‐frequency oscillations. G and 77: example of convergent, but reciprocal, synaptic effects observed in VL neuron following ansa lenticularis (G) and brachium conjunctivum (H) stimulation. Responses in each case were elicited at 2 levels of membrane polarization. G: upper record obtained during spontaneous discharges, lower record during phase of increased membrane polarization in which spontaneous discharges were eliminated. In each instance ansa lenticularis stimulation evoked a 4‐ to 6‐ms IPSP. 77: lower record of pair obtained during a spontaneous long‐duration IPSP. Brachium conjunctivum stimulation elicits a 4‐ to 6‐ms‐latency EPSP and spike discharge. The EPSP is revealed in isolation during spontaneous IPSP. IL: examples of similar long‐latency EPSP‐IPSP sequences elicited in VL neuron by repetitive stimulation in region of entopeduncular nucleus (I and J, continuous recording) and stimulation of medial thalamic nucleus (K and L, continuous recording). Upper channel records obtained from motor cortex. Note prominent long‐latency surface negative recruiting response evoked by medial thalamic stimulation.

From Desiraju and Purpura 24

Figure 13.

Intracellular records of short‐latency IPSPs from cat ventroanterior and ventrolateral thalamic (VA‐VL) neurons following stimulation of entopeduncular nucleus (ENT; medial pallidal segment). A: ENT‐evoked IPSPs in thalamic neuron. B: extracellular control for A. C–E: IPSPs produced in another cell, recorded at 3 different sweep velocities. F: ENT‐evoked IPSPs recorded in thalamic cell. G: reversed IPSPs obtained by injecting chloride ions electrophoretically through microelectrode in same cell as in F. H: inhibition of extracellularly recorded spike discharges following ENT stimulation. I: latency histogram for IPSPs in 24 neurons. JL: IPSPs evoked by double‐shock stimulation of ENT nucleus. Shock intervals: 0.5 ms, J; 1.1 ms, K; and 6.5 ms, L. Arrows in H and JL indicate time of stimulation. Voltage scales are 1 mV for A–G, J–L, and 0.5 mV for H. Recording time constant, 10 ms for A, B, F, G, J–L, and 1 s for CE.

From Uno and Yoshida 111

Figure 14.

Intracellular recordings from cat ventrolateral and ventromedial thalamic (VL‐VM) neurons following stimulation of contralateral brachium conjunctivum (BC) and substantia nigra (SN). A: monosynaptic EPSPs evoked in VL neuron by stimulation of BC (2nd shock; 1st shock was to SN). B: intracellular recording of VM neuron; BC stimulation did not evoke any response in this cell. C: SN‐evoked IPSPs (1st shock) in cell of B. Second shock indicates BC stimulation, producing no transsynaptic potentials. Lower traces in A and C, juxtacellular field potentials. D: inhibition of extracellularly recorded spike discharges of a VM neuron following SN stimulation. Arrow indicates stimulus artifact. E: IPSPs produced by stimulation of SN (1st shock) and midpoint between SN and recording site (2nd shock). F: same as in E, but IPSPs were reversed to depolarizing potentials by iontophoretic injection of chloride into cell through recording electrode. G: superimposed tracing of E and F. Arrows indicate onset of IPSPs. H: latencies of IPSPs (ordinate) plotted against distance between stimulating and recording sites in 5 cells (abscissa). Voltage scales are 1 mV for AC, 0.5 mV for D, and 2 mV for EG. Time scales are 2 ms for AC and EG, and 10 ms for D.

From Ueki et al. 110

Figure 15.

Summary of neuronal circuitry in basal ganglia and related structures. Open terminals are excitatory connections, and filled terminals are inhibitory connections. CMP, central median‐parafascicular complex; DR, dorsal raphe nucleus; GP, globus pallidus; 1, lateral; m, medial; Pc, pars compacta; Pr, pars reticulata; SN, substantia nigra; ST, subthalamus; TE, midbrain tectum; VA, ventroanterior nucleus of thalamus; VL, ventrolateral nucleus of thalamus; VM, ventromedial nucleus of thalamus.

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S. T. Kitai. Electrophysiology of the Corpus Striatum and Brain Stem Integrating Systems. Compr Physiol 2011, Supplement 2: Handbook of Physiology, The Nervous System, Motor Control: 997-1015. First published in print 1981. doi: 10.1002/cphy.cp010220