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Mechanisms of Autonomic Integration

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The sections in this article are:

1 Transmission in Autonomic Ganglia
1.1 Fast Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials (EPSPs)
1.2 Physiological Significance of Fast EPSPs
1.3 Slow (Cholinergic) EPSPs
1.4 Late Slow (Noncholinergic) EPSPs
1.5 Physiological Significance of Slow EPSPs
1.6 Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials
2 Integration in Autonomic Ganglia
2.1 Cellular and Molecular Substrates
2.2 Physiological Significance of Integration
3 Concluding Remarks
Figure 1. Figure 1.

A: mammalian prevertebral ganglia. CN, colonic nerves; C‐SMG, celiac‐superior mesenteric ganglia; DR, dorsal root; DRG, dorsal root ganglion; GLSN, greater and lesser splanchnic nerves; HGN, hypogastric nerves; IMG, inferior mesenteric ganglion; IMN, intermesenteric nerve; LSC, lumbar sympathetic chain; LSN, lumbar splanchnic nerves; RC, rami communicantes; and VR, ventral root. Typical arrangements of intracellular recording electrodes (left) and stimulating electrodes (right) are also shown. B: mammalian enteric ganglia. LM, longitudinal muscle; MP, myenteric plexus; CM, circular muscle; SP, submucosal plexus; SA, submucosal arteriole; and M, mucosa. Intracellular recordings are typically made from neurons lying in myenteric and submucosal ganglia, dissected as illustrated.

A from Tsunoo et al. 232; B from Furness and Costa 65
Figure 2. Figure 2.

Spontaneous miniature excitatory postsynaptic potentials recorded from bullfrog sympathetic ganglion cell bathed in 10 mM K+ solution.

From Kuba and Koketsu 142
Figure 3. Figure 3.

Mimicry of spontaneous miniature excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) by iontophoretic application of acetylcholine (ACh) in frog atrial ganglion cell. Note similar time course and amplitude of spontaneous miniature EPSP and of ACh‐evoked response (records are from 2 different cells). As a rule, times to peak of miniature EPSPs were 5–8 ms, and fastest ACh potentials had range of 7–10 ms.

From Dennis et al. 47
Figure 4. Figure 4.

Intracellular recordings from myenteric neuron. A: fast EPSPs in response to 1 stimulus applied 100 μm away from cell soma. Downward deflection is stimulus artifact. Stimulus strengths: 1, 9 V; 2, 10 V (local response appears but does not reach threshold for full soma membrane spike); and 3, 11 V (full spike evoked). B: EPSPs declined in amplitude when evoked at frequencies >0.1 Hz. Each point with vertical bar (SE) indicates mean of data from 5 to 23 different cells. Frequency of stimuli indicated beside each curve. Values at 40 Hz are means from 3 cells. Amplitude of first EPSP ranged from 8 to 24 mV. Spontaneous variation of EPSP amplitude was observed at 0.017 Hz and may have occurred at higher frequencies.

From Nishi and North 192
Figure 5. Figure 5.

Reversal of fast EPSP in bullfrog sympathetic ganglion. Synaptic potentials were evoked at various levels of membrane potential (indicated in mV). Resting membrane potential was −70 mV; other potentials were obtained by application of current through recording electrode. Spike potentials were evoked by synaptic potential at membrane potentials between −22 and −70 mV. Vertical bar, 50 mV; time frequency, 1 kHz.

From Nishi and Koketsu 189
Figure 6. Figure 6.

Reversal potentials for synaptic transmission and iontophoretically applied ACh in frog atrial ganglion cells. A: reversal of synaptic potential alone (dotted lines, zero potential), which occurred at −12 mV. B: responses from another cell to both iontophoretically applied ACh and synaptic stimulation, recorded on same sweeps. Reversal occurred at −2 mV.

From Dennis et al. 47
Figure 7. Figure 7.

ACh‐induced fluctuations of membrane current and excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSC) recorded from same neuron. Digitalized records of current fluctuations before (A) and during (B) iontophoretic application of ACh (ACh‐induced steady current = 3.8 nA). C: spectral density of ACh‐induced current fluctuations is shown as function of frequency. Spectrum was obtained by subtracting averaged spectrum of 4 records similar to A from averaged spectrum of 4 records similar to B. Line through data points represents sum of 2 Lorentz functions, with cut‐off frequencies f1 and f2 corresponding to mean channel lifetimes for fast‐operating channels (τf) and for slow‐operating channels τs). S(f), spectral density at frequency f; S(0), asymptotic spectral density at frequency zero; S1(0)/S2(0) = 0.3. D: EPSC evoked by 1 preganglionic stimulus decays exponentially. E: semilogarithmic plot of EPSC amplitude against time; value of EPSC decay time constant τd) is close to τs. I(t) end‐plate current at time t; and I(0), end‐plate current at time zero.

From Skok et al. 224
Figure 8. Figure 8.

Organization of bullfrog lumbar paravertebral chain ganglia and fast EPSPs. A: camera lucida drawing of preparation used in experiments. It contains 7th‐10th sympathetic ganglia (G7‐G10) and 7th‐10th spinal nerves. Spinal end of 7th and 8th spinal nerves, chain above G7, and sciatic nerve were each fitted with suction electrodes, thus permitting orthodromic and antidromic stimulation of neurons in G9 and G10. B: anatomical separation of synaptic inputs to B and C neurons, a‐c, Intracellular responses of C cell to stimulation of 7th and 8th spinal nerves (a), chain above G7 (b), and sciatic nerve (c). d‐f, Intracellular responses of B cell to stimulation of chain above G7 (d), 7th and 8th spinal nerves (e), and sciatic nerve (f). Note different latencies of B and C responses. Contribution of fast nicotinic EPSPs can be seen by comparing orthodromic and antidromic responses.

From Dodd and Horn 48
Figure 9. Figure 9.

Intracellular recordings from 3 different neurons (1–3) in rabbit superior cervical ganglion in vivo. Note spontaneous subthreshold fast EPSPs. Inspiration occurred during time indicated by bar. Lower traces in 1 are intracellular recordings at 2 different speeds. Calibration, 50 mV; time marks (dots) are 500 ms apart.

Adapted from Skok 223
Figure 10. Figure 10.

Intracellular recordings from 2 cat ciliary ganglion cells in vivo (A and B). Eye was illuminated during periods indicated by bar. This reflexly induced an increase in frequency of fast EPSPs and action potentials.

From Skok 223
Figure 11. Figure 11.

Nicotinic and muscarinic depolarizations in same myenteric plexus cell. A: depolarization evoked by nerve stimulation. Single‐pulse stimulus (arrow) evoked fast EPSP followed by much larger and longer‐lasting slow EPSP. B: depolarization evoked by ACh iontophoresis (▴ 20 nA for 1 ms). 1, Hyoscine (1 μM) completely abolished slow depolarization but did not affect rapid depolarization. After washing out hyoscine, hexamethonium (200 nM) was used to abolish rapid depolarization. 2, At resting potential (−55 mV) ACh iontophoresis caused both rapid and slow depolarization. Rapid (nicotinic) depolarization increased with membrane hyperpolarization. Slow (muscarinic) depolarization decreased and reversed polarity with membrane hyperpolarization. Note increase in input resistance accompanying muscarinic effect of ACh.

From North and Tokimasa 202
Figure 12. Figure 12.

Ionic currents underlying slow EPSP in bullfrog sympathetic ganglia, hypothesized largely from voltage recordings by Kuba and Koketsu 142. Ordinates, membrane currents. Inward currents were taken as negative and outward currents as positive. Abscissas, membrane potential. Dashed lines, K+ currents (IK) caused by inactivation of K+ conductance (GK). Equilibrium potential for K+ (EK) was assumed to be −80 mV, since EK of many cells was close to this value under these experimental conditions. Dotted lines, sum of Na+ and Ca2+ currents (INa, + ICa) caused by activation of their ion conductances. Reversal level of this current was assumed to be +50 mV. Solid lines, synaptic currents for slow EPSP. In Type 1 cells, K+ inactivation is almost balanced by Na+ and K+ activation; in Type 3 cells, K+ inactivation predominates and synaptic current reverses; and in Type 2 cells, an intermediate condition exists. Type 2 cells would not show any voltage sensitivity of EPSC from −50 to −100 mV.

From Kuba and Koketsu 142
Figure 13. Figure 13.

Clamp currents recorded from bullfrog sympathetic neuron. A: 30‐mV hyperpolarizing voltage command from holding potential (VH) of −30 mV; B: 30‐mV depolarizing voltage command from holding potential of −60 mV. Top traces (A and B), voltage; bottom traces, current (outward current upwards). Slow inward relaxation after instantaneous current steps reflects deactivation, and outward relaxation reflects reactivation of potassium M‐current.

From Adams et al. 3
Figure 14. Figure 14.

Synaptic inhibition of M‐current in voltage‐clamped bullfrog ganglion cell. Effect of repetitive preganglionic stimulation (arrow) on relaxations of steady current and M‐current in a neuron voltage clamped at −35 mV (2‐electrode clamp). Nerve stimulation reduced steady outward current flowing at −35 mV but caused no change in current flowing at −65 mV. Chart speed was slowed 100‐fold during stimulus train and recovery.

From Adams and Brown 2
Figure 15. Figure 15.

Reversal of muscarinic slow EPSP. Intracellular recording from myenteric neuron. Slow EPSP was evoked by single‐pulse stimulus (arrow) to presynaptic fibers entering myenteric ganglion. Responses were recorded at membrane potentials indicated beside each trace. Initial rapid upward deflection is fast EPSP. Action potentials evoked by fast EPSP (at −28 and −50 mV) are truncated.

K. Morita and R. A. North, unpublished observations
Figure 16. Figure 16.

Reversal of slow muscarinic ACh potential in myenteric neuron. A: response to iontophoresis of ACh (10 nA/100 ms) recorded at membrane potential shown beside each trace. Electrotonic potentials were removed from all but 2 traces. Hexamethonium (200 μM) was present throughout. B: amplitude of ACh potential as function of membrane potential. Reversal of muscarinic ACh potential occurs near −90 mV.

From Morita et al. 182
Figure 17. Figure 17.

Fast nicotinic and slow muscarinic responses in single myenteric neuron. Iontophoresis of ACh (▴, 20 nA/1 ms) evoked nicotinic depolarization followed by muscarinic depolarization. Top trace, control; bottom trace, after adding hexamethonium (200 μM) to perfusing solution. Hexamethonium blocked nicotinic response and slightly increased amplitude of initial component of muscarinic depolarization. Electrotonic potentials are evoked by slightly larger current in bottom trace; hexamethonium itself did not change input resistance or membrane potential. Slight increase in amplitude of initial part of muscarinic response in presence of hexamethonium is due to removal of an afterhyperpolarization that results from Ca2+ entry during the nicotinic depolarization.

From Tokimasa et al. 228
Figure 18. Figure 18.

Four types of synaptic responses in neurons of bullfrog 10th sympathetic ganglion measured with intracellular electrodes. A: single preganglionic stimulus produces fast subthreshold EPSP (left); stronger stimulus excites 2nd axon, producing larger EPSP and impulse. B: Slow inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) in a C neuron (lasting 2 s) on stimulation of central portion of 7th and 8th spinal nerves with 13 pulses at 20 Hz. Fast EPSPs were blocked with dihydro‐β‐erythroidine. C: slow cholinergic EPSP (lasting 30 s) results from 4 pulses at 50 Hz applied to synaptic chain above 7th sympathetic ganglion. Initial rapid deflections are 4 large nerve impulses (cropped). D: late slow EPSP (peptidergic) lasts −300 s on stimulation of central portions of 7th and 8th spinal nerves (50 pulses at 10 Hz). Nicotinic blocking drugs were used in B.

From Jan et al. 101
Figure 19. Figure 19.

Intracellular recording from guinea pig myenteric plexus neuron. Optimum stimulus frequency needed to evoke late slow EPSP is ∼20 Hz. Late slow EPSPs were evoked by 2 pulses (500‐μs duration) applied to presynaptic fibers entering ganglion. Neither 1 pulse, nor 2 pulses separated by 2 ms, elicited a response. Interval between pulses was then increased (indicated in ms). Late slow EPSP was largest at interval of 30–100 ms (33–10 Hz), and then declined. Pulse separations of 1, 2, and 5 s elicited responses similar to 500 ms; pulse separation of 10 ms did not elicit a response (not shown).

J. C. Bornstein and R. A. North, unpublished observations
Figure 20. Figure 20.

Different types of late slow EPSCs recorded from 2 voltage‐clamped bullfrog sympathetic neurons. Responses were elicited by train of supramaximal preganglionic stimuli at 10 Hz for 5 s (arrows). Top traces in A and B are voltage recordings showing command pulses (lasting 1 s) of 15 mV (A) and 30 mV (B) repeated at 0.3 Hz. Middle and bottom traces are current recordings at indicated holding potentials. First type of response (A) is accompanied by fall in conductance (reduced current excursion for fixed‐voltage command) and decreases with hyperpolarization. Second type of response (B) is accompanied by rise in conductance and increases with membrane hyperpolarization. Note difference in time course.

From Katayama and Nishi 119
Figure 21. Figure 21.

Nerve‐evoked peptidergic late slow EPSCs and muscarinic slow EPSPs in 3 bullfrog sympathetic neurons. Left traces, nonreversing response; center traces, reversing response. Cells were voltage clamped at membrane potential indicated beside each current recording, and 7th and 8th spinal nerves (carrying peptidergic fibers) were stimulated at 20 Hz for 5 s (arrows). Resting membrane potentials of both of these cells were ca. −50 mV, with 2 mM K+ in bathing solution. Right traces, muscarinic slow EPSCs following 6 pulses at 50 Hz applied to sympathetic chain. Clamped‐membrane potential is indicated beside each trace. Resting membrane potential of cell was −35 mV. Dihydro‐β‐erythroidine and prostigmine were present in bathing solution, with 6 mM K+ also present. Note reversal of early, but not late, part of response.

From Kuffler and Sejnowski 146
Figure 22. Figure 22.

Substance P (SP) immunoreactivity in guinea pig inferior mesenteric ganglion. A: pattern of varicose and nonvaricose fibers is revealed by monoclonal antibody in inferior mesenteric ganglion of normal guinea pig, perfused and processed together with tissue in B. B: inferior mesenteric ganglion of capsaicin‐treated guinea pig, showing total loss of specific SP immunofluoresence, apart from small residual trace (*). C: SP immunofluorescence in inferior mesenteric ganglion of normal guinea pig, perfused and processed together with tissue in D. D: almost total disappearance of SP immunofluorescence in guinea pig inferior mesenteric ganglion 4 days after lumbar nerves were severed. E: persistence of varicose and nonvaricose SP immunoreactive (SPI) fibers in inferior mesenteric ganglion of guinea pig in which spinal cord had been removed (below Th7) 4 days previously. F: trails of varicosities immunoreactively labeled by SP/peroxidase‐antiperoxidase method in 50‐μm slice of celiac superior mesenteric ganglion, photographed before osmication and embedding for electron microscopy. G: electron micrograph showing dense deposits revealing SPI material over nerve terminal (*) synapsing with dendrite (D) of sympathetic postganglionic neuron. This type of nerve terminal (commonly seen in guinea pig inferior mesenteric ganglion) contains a large cluster of small clear synaptic vesicles, which are massed in presynaptic zone; it also contains a lesser number of large dense‐core vesicles, lying chiefly at periphery of cluster of small vesicles (away from presynaptic membrane), together with group of mitochondria. SP immunoreactivity within nerve terminal is localized over cores of large dense‐core vesicles and is also associated with cytoplasmic (external) surfaces of small vesicles; both features have been reported for SPI‐nerve terminals in substantia gelatinosa of spinal cord. N, nucleus of satellite cell; S, satellite cell cytoplasm; ct, connective tissue space. Scale: bars, 1 μm for A‐F and 0.5 μm for G. H: organization of sensory SPI‐peripheral nerve fibers at lumbar spinal levels. Example is sensory neuron of lumbar origin innervating colon by way of lumbar splanchnic nerve and colonic branch of inferior mesenteric ganglion (IMG). DH, dorsal horn; VH, ventral horn; sg, substantia gelatinosa; DRG, dorsal root ganglion; LSG, lumbar sympathetic ganglion of paravertebral chain; LSN, lumbar splanchnic nerve; imn, intermesenteric nerve; CN, colonic nerve fascicle; and HNN, hypogastric nerves.

From Matthews and Cuello 171
Figure 23. Figure 23.

A: intracellular recording from a myenteric neuron. Substance P was applied by electrophoresis (40 nA, 5 s) to soma membrane (▴). High‐concentration K+ solution (bar) depolarized membrane and greatly reduced amplitude of substance P potential. Membrane potential was shifted back to control level (arrow down) by hyperpolarizing current. Substance P potential was now reversed. These changes were reversible when hyperpolarizing current was terminated (arrow up) and when perfusion with normal Krebs solution was restarted. B: relationship between substance P reversal potential and extracellular [K+]. Reversal potentials are mean values (with SE indicated) for number of cells shown in parentheses. Slope of dashed line (fitted by eye) is 54 mV/10‐fold change in [K+].

From Katayama et al. 120
Figure 24. Figure 24.

Responses of AH‐myenteric plexus neuron to repetitive presynaptic nerve stimulation. A: nerve stimulation (10 Hz/3 s) is indicated by arrow and bar. Response was biphasic. Hyoscine (1 μM) abolished initial component of slow synaptic potential (combination of slow EPSP and late slow EPSP), whereas tetrodotoxin (TTX, 100 nM) abolished entire synaptic potential. B: example from another AH neuron. Hyoscine (1 μM) depressed only initial part of slow potential. Total duration of slow EPSP is not shown but was ∼3 min. C: amplitude of muscarinic component of response in B obtained by subtracting amplitude when hyoscine was present from amplitude when it was not.

From North and Tokimasa 202
Figure 25. Figure 25.

Schematic representation of synaptic potentials that can be recorded in bullfrog lumbar 9th or 10th sympathetic ganglion B and C cells (see also Fig. 18). Fast EPSPs can be recorded from B cells by stimulating presynaptic B‐fibers and from C cells by stimulating presynaptic C‐fibers. Slow EPSPs can be recorded from B cells by stimulating presynaptic B‐fibers. Late slow EPSPs can be recorded from B and C cells, but only by stimulating presynaptic C‐fibers. Transmitter, luteinizing hormone‐releasing hormone (LHRH), is assumed to diffuse to B cells. Slow IPSPs can be recorded in C cells when presynaptic C‐fibers are stimulated. 6–8, Spinal nerves.

Figure 26. Figure 26.

Intracellular recording from bullfrog sympathetic ganglion C cell. Reversal of action‐potential afterpotential, slow IPSP and muscarinic ACh response in curarized neuron. Amount of polarizing current is indicated for each trace. Tops of antidromic action potentials were cropped. Synaptic and ACh responses have same reversal potential. Arrows indicate half‐decay points of muscarinic responses. Decay times increased as cell was hyperpolarized from rest (ca. −50 mV). T = 22°C.

From Dodd and Horn 49
Figure 27. Figure 27.

Intracellular recording from ganglion cell in mudpuppy cardiac ganglion. Reversal potentials of inhibitory responses resulting from nerve stimulation (30 Hz for 700 ms) and iontophoretic application of ACh (20 nA for 10 ms) and bethanechol (170 nA for 20 ms). Membrane potential was monitored and varied by current passed through an electrode. Bathing solution contained 5 × 10−8 M dihydro‐β‐erythroidine to attenuate excitatory responses. As cell was hyperpolarized, magnitude of fast excitatory responses increased, while inhibitory responses decreased and reversed polarity between −90 and −100 mV for all modes of stimulation. Stimulus is indicated by bar or dot. Excitatory responses to nerve stimulation partially obscured inhibitory responses. Responses to all 3 types of stimulation have same reversal potential.

From Hartzell et al. 82
Figure 28. Figure 28.

Enkephalin causes presynaptic inhibition by blocking action‐potential propagation. Left: control shows fast EPSP recorded intracellularly from myenteric neuron in guinea pig small intestine. Single stimulus evoked 20‐mV multifiber EPSP (trace is average of 4 with similar amplitudes). Enkephalin was applied from pipette (tip diam 5 μm) containing 1 μM Met5‐enkephalin. Pipette tip was moved to various positions on surface of myenteric plexus (right), and enkephalin was ejected by a 300‐ms pressure pulse. At positions 1 and 3 enkephalin had no effect. At 2, enkephalin reduced EPSP amplitude; this effect recovered within 2–3 min.

E. Cherubini and R. A. North, unpublished observations
Figure 29. Figure 29.

Interaction between muscarinic and peptidergic late slow EPSCs. Bullfrog sympathetic neuron was voltage clamped at its resting potential (−58 mV), and cholinergic input was stimulated 10 times at 50 Hz, with stimulation repeated every 2 min. Fast nicotinic responses are cropped (arrow). Amount of muscarinic current was reduced after train of 100 stimuli at 20 Hz was applied to 7th and 8th spinal nerves and recovered with decline of peptidergic current.

From Kuffler and Sejnowski 146
Figure 30. Figure 30.

Nerve‐released transmitter of late slow EPSP (probably substance P) depresses muscarinic ACh response in a myenteric neuron. Top: trace 1, control response to ACh iontophoresis (10 nA/1 ms). Center trace, response to 1 stimulus applied to presynaptic nerves (ns). This evokes typical muscarinic slow EPSP. Right trace, beginning of late slow EPSP evoked by repetitive stimulation of presynaptic nerves (10 Hz, 3 s; bar). Bottom: responses to ACh evoked after onset of nerve stimulation. Traces 2 and 3, applications of ACh during noncholinergic slow EPSP evoked 11 s (2) and 38 s (3) after nerve stimulation. Response to ACh is abolished or depressed. Depolarization of membrane to same level would increase amplitude of ACh response. Trace 4, full recovery of ACh response 93 s after repetitive nerve stimulation, when late slow EPSP had declined.

From Tokimasa and North 230
Figure 31. Figure 31.

IPSP inhibits repetitive firing of bullfrog sympathetic neurons. This intracellular recording was taken from a C cell during period of repetitive firing induced by late slow EPSP. Tubocurarine (100 μM) was used to block nicotinic synapses. Train of presynaptic stimuli was applied to neurons (dotted line) and an IPSP was produced. As IPSP developed, repetitive firing was inhibited. As IPSP subsided, membrane potential began to oscillate and repetitive firing recommenced.

From Horn and Dodd 96
Figure 32. Figure 32.

Effect of inhibitory nerve stimulation on time course of EPSP recorded at reversal potential for IPSP. A: control records of electrotonic potential and fast EPSP. B: records of electrotonic potential and fast EPSP when membrane was shunted by stimulating inhibitory nerves. Bottom traces, EPSPs recorded at faster sweep speed and higher amplification. Arrow, stimulation of inhibitory nerves. No potential change occurred, because membrane was held at IPSP reversal potential. C: time courses of EPSPs, before (○) and during (•) inhibitory conductance change. Solid lines, time courses of EPSPs computed with assumptions that control cell resistance was 180 MΩ and fell to 80 MΩ during IPSP and that cell capacitance was 94 pF throughout. Dashed line, time course of synaptic current required to simulate both EPSPs.

From Edwards et al. 59
Figure 33. Figure 33.

Slow IPSP does not inhibit nicotinic excitation of bullfrog sympathetic neurons. In normal Ringer solution, train of 10 presynaptic stimuli produces 12 suprathreshold nicotinic fast EPSPs followed by slow IPSP. Tops of action potentials produced by EPSPs were cropped. When cell was bathed in curare (100 μM) and same train applied, nicotinic EPSPs were almost completely blocked, leaving stimulus artifacts superimposed on intact muscarinic IPSP. It is clear then that slow IPSP starts as early as 4th stimulus artifact and is almost fully developed by 10th. Comparison of traces demonstrates that IPSP, even as it approaches its maximum amplitude, does not inhibit nicotinic EPSPs from initiating action potentials.

From Horn and Dodd 96
Figure 34. Figure 34.

Most parsimonious arrangement of neurons in myenteric plexus that mediate peristaltic reflex. lm, Longitudinal muscle; cm, circular muscle. A: graded reflex (preparatory phase) and desending inhibition. Low level of radial distension excites afferent neurons 2. Position and nature of sensory receptors 1 are unknown; they may lie in cell body, neuronal process within myenteric ganglion, or process reaching circular muscle or submucosal layers. Transmitter released by afferent neurons is not ACh (graded reflex is not blocked by hexamethonium) but may be same substance that mediates slow EPSP (substance P ?). This slowly excites cholinergic neurons 3, which project anally. These neurons, either directly or through other interneurons (not shown), excite neurons 5 that inhibit the circular muscle layer (descending inhibition). ACh released from varicosities 4 of cholinergic neurons can also reach longitudinal muscle (graded reflex). B: peristaltic reflex proper, descending excitation. Further distension of lumen excites other afferent neurons 6, which may or may not be identical to afferent neurons 2 on descending inhibitory pathway. Latency of interneuron 7 in descending excitatory pathway to reaching threshold may depend on slow EPSP and decreases as distension increases. Inter‐neuron projects anally and releases ACh onto neurons 8 that are motor to muscle layers. Neurons (5 and 8) receive nicotinic synaptic input and must be S cells. Afferent neurons (2 and 6) do not receive nicotinic synaptic input and may be AH cells. Some evidence suggests that cholinergic neurons and perhaps interneurons may also be AH cells.

From North 198

Figure 1.

A: mammalian prevertebral ganglia. CN, colonic nerves; C‐SMG, celiac‐superior mesenteric ganglia; DR, dorsal root; DRG, dorsal root ganglion; GLSN, greater and lesser splanchnic nerves; HGN, hypogastric nerves; IMG, inferior mesenteric ganglion; IMN, intermesenteric nerve; LSC, lumbar sympathetic chain; LSN, lumbar splanchnic nerves; RC, rami communicantes; and VR, ventral root. Typical arrangements of intracellular recording electrodes (left) and stimulating electrodes (right) are also shown. B: mammalian enteric ganglia. LM, longitudinal muscle; MP, myenteric plexus; CM, circular muscle; SP, submucosal plexus; SA, submucosal arteriole; and M, mucosa. Intracellular recordings are typically made from neurons lying in myenteric and submucosal ganglia, dissected as illustrated.

A from Tsunoo et al. 232; B from Furness and Costa 65

Figure 2.

Spontaneous miniature excitatory postsynaptic potentials recorded from bullfrog sympathetic ganglion cell bathed in 10 mM K+ solution.

From Kuba and Koketsu 142

Figure 3.

Mimicry of spontaneous miniature excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) by iontophoretic application of acetylcholine (ACh) in frog atrial ganglion cell. Note similar time course and amplitude of spontaneous miniature EPSP and of ACh‐evoked response (records are from 2 different cells). As a rule, times to peak of miniature EPSPs were 5–8 ms, and fastest ACh potentials had range of 7–10 ms.

From Dennis et al. 47

Figure 4.

Intracellular recordings from myenteric neuron. A: fast EPSPs in response to 1 stimulus applied 100 μm away from cell soma. Downward deflection is stimulus artifact. Stimulus strengths: 1, 9 V; 2, 10 V (local response appears but does not reach threshold for full soma membrane spike); and 3, 11 V (full spike evoked). B: EPSPs declined in amplitude when evoked at frequencies >0.1 Hz. Each point with vertical bar (SE) indicates mean of data from 5 to 23 different cells. Frequency of stimuli indicated beside each curve. Values at 40 Hz are means from 3 cells. Amplitude of first EPSP ranged from 8 to 24 mV. Spontaneous variation of EPSP amplitude was observed at 0.017 Hz and may have occurred at higher frequencies.

From Nishi and North 192

Figure 5.

Reversal of fast EPSP in bullfrog sympathetic ganglion. Synaptic potentials were evoked at various levels of membrane potential (indicated in mV). Resting membrane potential was −70 mV; other potentials were obtained by application of current through recording electrode. Spike potentials were evoked by synaptic potential at membrane potentials between −22 and −70 mV. Vertical bar, 50 mV; time frequency, 1 kHz.

From Nishi and Koketsu 189

Figure 6.

Reversal potentials for synaptic transmission and iontophoretically applied ACh in frog atrial ganglion cells. A: reversal of synaptic potential alone (dotted lines, zero potential), which occurred at −12 mV. B: responses from another cell to both iontophoretically applied ACh and synaptic stimulation, recorded on same sweeps. Reversal occurred at −2 mV.

From Dennis et al. 47

Figure 7.

ACh‐induced fluctuations of membrane current and excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSC) recorded from same neuron. Digitalized records of current fluctuations before (A) and during (B) iontophoretic application of ACh (ACh‐induced steady current = 3.8 nA). C: spectral density of ACh‐induced current fluctuations is shown as function of frequency. Spectrum was obtained by subtracting averaged spectrum of 4 records similar to A from averaged spectrum of 4 records similar to B. Line through data points represents sum of 2 Lorentz functions, with cut‐off frequencies f1 and f2 corresponding to mean channel lifetimes for fast‐operating channels (τf) and for slow‐operating channels τs). S(f), spectral density at frequency f; S(0), asymptotic spectral density at frequency zero; S1(0)/S2(0) = 0.3. D: EPSC evoked by 1 preganglionic stimulus decays exponentially. E: semilogarithmic plot of EPSC amplitude against time; value of EPSC decay time constant τd) is close to τs. I(t) end‐plate current at time t; and I(0), end‐plate current at time zero.

From Skok et al. 224

Figure 8.

Organization of bullfrog lumbar paravertebral chain ganglia and fast EPSPs. A: camera lucida drawing of preparation used in experiments. It contains 7th‐10th sympathetic ganglia (G7‐G10) and 7th‐10th spinal nerves. Spinal end of 7th and 8th spinal nerves, chain above G7, and sciatic nerve were each fitted with suction electrodes, thus permitting orthodromic and antidromic stimulation of neurons in G9 and G10. B: anatomical separation of synaptic inputs to B and C neurons, a‐c, Intracellular responses of C cell to stimulation of 7th and 8th spinal nerves (a), chain above G7 (b), and sciatic nerve (c). d‐f, Intracellular responses of B cell to stimulation of chain above G7 (d), 7th and 8th spinal nerves (e), and sciatic nerve (f). Note different latencies of B and C responses. Contribution of fast nicotinic EPSPs can be seen by comparing orthodromic and antidromic responses.

From Dodd and Horn 48

Figure 9.

Intracellular recordings from 3 different neurons (1–3) in rabbit superior cervical ganglion in vivo. Note spontaneous subthreshold fast EPSPs. Inspiration occurred during time indicated by bar. Lower traces in 1 are intracellular recordings at 2 different speeds. Calibration, 50 mV; time marks (dots) are 500 ms apart.

Adapted from Skok 223

Figure 10.

Intracellular recordings from 2 cat ciliary ganglion cells in vivo (A and B). Eye was illuminated during periods indicated by bar. This reflexly induced an increase in frequency of fast EPSPs and action potentials.

From Skok 223

Figure 11.

Nicotinic and muscarinic depolarizations in same myenteric plexus cell. A: depolarization evoked by nerve stimulation. Single‐pulse stimulus (arrow) evoked fast EPSP followed by much larger and longer‐lasting slow EPSP. B: depolarization evoked by ACh iontophoresis (▴ 20 nA for 1 ms). 1, Hyoscine (1 μM) completely abolished slow depolarization but did not affect rapid depolarization. After washing out hyoscine, hexamethonium (200 nM) was used to abolish rapid depolarization. 2, At resting potential (−55 mV) ACh iontophoresis caused both rapid and slow depolarization. Rapid (nicotinic) depolarization increased with membrane hyperpolarization. Slow (muscarinic) depolarization decreased and reversed polarity with membrane hyperpolarization. Note increase in input resistance accompanying muscarinic effect of ACh.

From North and Tokimasa 202

Figure 12.

Ionic currents underlying slow EPSP in bullfrog sympathetic ganglia, hypothesized largely from voltage recordings by Kuba and Koketsu 142. Ordinates, membrane currents. Inward currents were taken as negative and outward currents as positive. Abscissas, membrane potential. Dashed lines, K+ currents (IK) caused by inactivation of K+ conductance (GK). Equilibrium potential for K+ (EK) was assumed to be −80 mV, since EK of many cells was close to this value under these experimental conditions. Dotted lines, sum of Na+ and Ca2+ currents (INa, + ICa) caused by activation of their ion conductances. Reversal level of this current was assumed to be +50 mV. Solid lines, synaptic currents for slow EPSP. In Type 1 cells, K+ inactivation is almost balanced by Na+ and K+ activation; in Type 3 cells, K+ inactivation predominates and synaptic current reverses; and in Type 2 cells, an intermediate condition exists. Type 2 cells would not show any voltage sensitivity of EPSC from −50 to −100 mV.

From Kuba and Koketsu 142

Figure 13.

Clamp currents recorded from bullfrog sympathetic neuron. A: 30‐mV hyperpolarizing voltage command from holding potential (VH) of −30 mV; B: 30‐mV depolarizing voltage command from holding potential of −60 mV. Top traces (A and B), voltage; bottom traces, current (outward current upwards). Slow inward relaxation after instantaneous current steps reflects deactivation, and outward relaxation reflects reactivation of potassium M‐current.

From Adams et al. 3

Figure 14.

Synaptic inhibition of M‐current in voltage‐clamped bullfrog ganglion cell. Effect of repetitive preganglionic stimulation (arrow) on relaxations of steady current and M‐current in a neuron voltage clamped at −35 mV (2‐electrode clamp). Nerve stimulation reduced steady outward current flowing at −35 mV but caused no change in current flowing at −65 mV. Chart speed was slowed 100‐fold during stimulus train and recovery.

From Adams and Brown 2

Figure 15.

Reversal of muscarinic slow EPSP. Intracellular recording from myenteric neuron. Slow EPSP was evoked by single‐pulse stimulus (arrow) to presynaptic fibers entering myenteric ganglion. Responses were recorded at membrane potentials indicated beside each trace. Initial rapid upward deflection is fast EPSP. Action potentials evoked by fast EPSP (at −28 and −50 mV) are truncated.

K. Morita and R. A. North, unpublished observations

Figure 16.

Reversal of slow muscarinic ACh potential in myenteric neuron. A: response to iontophoresis of ACh (10 nA/100 ms) recorded at membrane potential shown beside each trace. Electrotonic potentials were removed from all but 2 traces. Hexamethonium (200 μM) was present throughout. B: amplitude of ACh potential as function of membrane potential. Reversal of muscarinic ACh potential occurs near −90 mV.

From Morita et al. 182

Figure 17.

Fast nicotinic and slow muscarinic responses in single myenteric neuron. Iontophoresis of ACh (▴, 20 nA/1 ms) evoked nicotinic depolarization followed by muscarinic depolarization. Top trace, control; bottom trace, after adding hexamethonium (200 μM) to perfusing solution. Hexamethonium blocked nicotinic response and slightly increased amplitude of initial component of muscarinic depolarization. Electrotonic potentials are evoked by slightly larger current in bottom trace; hexamethonium itself did not change input resistance or membrane potential. Slight increase in amplitude of initial part of muscarinic response in presence of hexamethonium is due to removal of an afterhyperpolarization that results from Ca2+ entry during the nicotinic depolarization.

From Tokimasa et al. 228

Figure 18.

Four types of synaptic responses in neurons of bullfrog 10th sympathetic ganglion measured with intracellular electrodes. A: single preganglionic stimulus produces fast subthreshold EPSP (left); stronger stimulus excites 2nd axon, producing larger EPSP and impulse. B: Slow inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) in a C neuron (lasting 2 s) on stimulation of central portion of 7th and 8th spinal nerves with 13 pulses at 20 Hz. Fast EPSPs were blocked with dihydro‐β‐erythroidine. C: slow cholinergic EPSP (lasting 30 s) results from 4 pulses at 50 Hz applied to synaptic chain above 7th sympathetic ganglion. Initial rapid deflections are 4 large nerve impulses (cropped). D: late slow EPSP (peptidergic) lasts −300 s on stimulation of central portions of 7th and 8th spinal nerves (50 pulses at 10 Hz). Nicotinic blocking drugs were used in B.

From Jan et al. 101

Figure 19.

Intracellular recording from guinea pig myenteric plexus neuron. Optimum stimulus frequency needed to evoke late slow EPSP is ∼20 Hz. Late slow EPSPs were evoked by 2 pulses (500‐μs duration) applied to presynaptic fibers entering ganglion. Neither 1 pulse, nor 2 pulses separated by 2 ms, elicited a response. Interval between pulses was then increased (indicated in ms). Late slow EPSP was largest at interval of 30–100 ms (33–10 Hz), and then declined. Pulse separations of 1, 2, and 5 s elicited responses similar to 500 ms; pulse separation of 10 ms did not elicit a response (not shown).

J. C. Bornstein and R. A. North, unpublished observations

Figure 20.

Different types of late slow EPSCs recorded from 2 voltage‐clamped bullfrog sympathetic neurons. Responses were elicited by train of supramaximal preganglionic stimuli at 10 Hz for 5 s (arrows). Top traces in A and B are voltage recordings showing command pulses (lasting 1 s) of 15 mV (A) and 30 mV (B) repeated at 0.3 Hz. Middle and bottom traces are current recordings at indicated holding potentials. First type of response (A) is accompanied by fall in conductance (reduced current excursion for fixed‐voltage command) and decreases with hyperpolarization. Second type of response (B) is accompanied by rise in conductance and increases with membrane hyperpolarization. Note difference in time course.

From Katayama and Nishi 119

Figure 21.

Nerve‐evoked peptidergic late slow EPSCs and muscarinic slow EPSPs in 3 bullfrog sympathetic neurons. Left traces, nonreversing response; center traces, reversing response. Cells were voltage clamped at membrane potential indicated beside each current recording, and 7th and 8th spinal nerves (carrying peptidergic fibers) were stimulated at 20 Hz for 5 s (arrows). Resting membrane potentials of both of these cells were ca. −50 mV, with 2 mM K+ in bathing solution. Right traces, muscarinic slow EPSCs following 6 pulses at 50 Hz applied to sympathetic chain. Clamped‐membrane potential is indicated beside each trace. Resting membrane potential of cell was −35 mV. Dihydro‐β‐erythroidine and prostigmine were present in bathing solution, with 6 mM K+ also present. Note reversal of early, but not late, part of response.

From Kuffler and Sejnowski 146

Figure 22.

Substance P (SP) immunoreactivity in guinea pig inferior mesenteric ganglion. A: pattern of varicose and nonvaricose fibers is revealed by monoclonal antibody in inferior mesenteric ganglion of normal guinea pig, perfused and processed together with tissue in B. B: inferior mesenteric ganglion of capsaicin‐treated guinea pig, showing total loss of specific SP immunofluoresence, apart from small residual trace (*). C: SP immunofluorescence in inferior mesenteric ganglion of normal guinea pig, perfused and processed together with tissue in D. D: almost total disappearance of SP immunofluorescence in guinea pig inferior mesenteric ganglion 4 days after lumbar nerves were severed. E: persistence of varicose and nonvaricose SP immunoreactive (SPI) fibers in inferior mesenteric ganglion of guinea pig in which spinal cord had been removed (below Th7) 4 days previously. F: trails of varicosities immunoreactively labeled by SP/peroxidase‐antiperoxidase method in 50‐μm slice of celiac superior mesenteric ganglion, photographed before osmication and embedding for electron microscopy. G: electron micrograph showing dense deposits revealing SPI material over nerve terminal (*) synapsing with dendrite (D) of sympathetic postganglionic neuron. This type of nerve terminal (commonly seen in guinea pig inferior mesenteric ganglion) contains a large cluster of small clear synaptic vesicles, which are massed in presynaptic zone; it also contains a lesser number of large dense‐core vesicles, lying chiefly at periphery of cluster of small vesicles (away from presynaptic membrane), together with group of mitochondria. SP immunoreactivity within nerve terminal is localized over cores of large dense‐core vesicles and is also associated with cytoplasmic (external) surfaces of small vesicles; both features have been reported for SPI‐nerve terminals in substantia gelatinosa of spinal cord. N, nucleus of satellite cell; S, satellite cell cytoplasm; ct, connective tissue space. Scale: bars, 1 μm for A‐F and 0.5 μm for G. H: organization of sensory SPI‐peripheral nerve fibers at lumbar spinal levels. Example is sensory neuron of lumbar origin innervating colon by way of lumbar splanchnic nerve and colonic branch of inferior mesenteric ganglion (IMG). DH, dorsal horn; VH, ventral horn; sg, substantia gelatinosa; DRG, dorsal root ganglion; LSG, lumbar sympathetic ganglion of paravertebral chain; LSN, lumbar splanchnic nerve; imn, intermesenteric nerve; CN, colonic nerve fascicle; and HNN, hypogastric nerves.

From Matthews and Cuello 171

Figure 23.

A: intracellular recording from a myenteric neuron. Substance P was applied by electrophoresis (40 nA, 5 s) to soma membrane (▴). High‐concentration K+ solution (bar) depolarized membrane and greatly reduced amplitude of substance P potential. Membrane potential was shifted back to control level (arrow down) by hyperpolarizing current. Substance P potential was now reversed. These changes were reversible when hyperpolarizing current was terminated (arrow up) and when perfusion with normal Krebs solution was restarted. B: relationship between substance P reversal potential and extracellular [K+]. Reversal potentials are mean values (with SE indicated) for number of cells shown in parentheses. Slope of dashed line (fitted by eye) is 54 mV/10‐fold change in [K+].

From Katayama et al. 120

Figure 24.

Responses of AH‐myenteric plexus neuron to repetitive presynaptic nerve stimulation. A: nerve stimulation (10 Hz/3 s) is indicated by arrow and bar. Response was biphasic. Hyoscine (1 μM) abolished initial component of slow synaptic potential (combination of slow EPSP and late slow EPSP), whereas tetrodotoxin (TTX, 100 nM) abolished entire synaptic potential. B: example from another AH neuron. Hyoscine (1 μM) depressed only initial part of slow potential. Total duration of slow EPSP is not shown but was ∼3 min. C: amplitude of muscarinic component of response in B obtained by subtracting amplitude when hyoscine was present from amplitude when it was not.

From North and Tokimasa 202

Figure 25.

Schematic representation of synaptic potentials that can be recorded in bullfrog lumbar 9th or 10th sympathetic ganglion B and C cells (see also Fig. 18). Fast EPSPs can be recorded from B cells by stimulating presynaptic B‐fibers and from C cells by stimulating presynaptic C‐fibers. Slow EPSPs can be recorded from B cells by stimulating presynaptic B‐fibers. Late slow EPSPs can be recorded from B and C cells, but only by stimulating presynaptic C‐fibers. Transmitter, luteinizing hormone‐releasing hormone (LHRH), is assumed to diffuse to B cells. Slow IPSPs can be recorded in C cells when presynaptic C‐fibers are stimulated. 6–8, Spinal nerves.

Figure 26.

Intracellular recording from bullfrog sympathetic ganglion C cell. Reversal of action‐potential afterpotential, slow IPSP and muscarinic ACh response in curarized neuron. Amount of polarizing current is indicated for each trace. Tops of antidromic action potentials were cropped. Synaptic and ACh responses have same reversal potential. Arrows indicate half‐decay points of muscarinic responses. Decay times increased as cell was hyperpolarized from rest (ca. −50 mV). T = 22°C.

From Dodd and Horn 49

Figure 27.

Intracellular recording from ganglion cell in mudpuppy cardiac ganglion. Reversal potentials of inhibitory responses resulting from nerve stimulation (30 Hz for 700 ms) and iontophoretic application of ACh (20 nA for 10 ms) and bethanechol (170 nA for 20 ms). Membrane potential was monitored and varied by current passed through an electrode. Bathing solution contained 5 × 10−8 M dihydro‐β‐erythroidine to attenuate excitatory responses. As cell was hyperpolarized, magnitude of fast excitatory responses increased, while inhibitory responses decreased and reversed polarity between −90 and −100 mV for all modes of stimulation. Stimulus is indicated by bar or dot. Excitatory responses to nerve stimulation partially obscured inhibitory responses. Responses to all 3 types of stimulation have same reversal potential.

From Hartzell et al. 82

Figure 28.

Enkephalin causes presynaptic inhibition by blocking action‐potential propagation. Left: control shows fast EPSP recorded intracellularly from myenteric neuron in guinea pig small intestine. Single stimulus evoked 20‐mV multifiber EPSP (trace is average of 4 with similar amplitudes). Enkephalin was applied from pipette (tip diam 5 μm) containing 1 μM Met5‐enkephalin. Pipette tip was moved to various positions on surface of myenteric plexus (right), and enkephalin was ejected by a 300‐ms pressure pulse. At positions 1 and 3 enkephalin had no effect. At 2, enkephalin reduced EPSP amplitude; this effect recovered within 2–3 min.

E. Cherubini and R. A. North, unpublished observations

Figure 29.

Interaction between muscarinic and peptidergic late slow EPSCs. Bullfrog sympathetic neuron was voltage clamped at its resting potential (−58 mV), and cholinergic input was stimulated 10 times at 50 Hz, with stimulation repeated every 2 min. Fast nicotinic responses are cropped (arrow). Amount of muscarinic current was reduced after train of 100 stimuli at 20 Hz was applied to 7th and 8th spinal nerves and recovered with decline of peptidergic current.

From Kuffler and Sejnowski 146

Figure 30.

Nerve‐released transmitter of late slow EPSP (probably substance P) depresses muscarinic ACh response in a myenteric neuron. Top: trace 1, control response to ACh iontophoresis (10 nA/1 ms). Center trace, response to 1 stimulus applied to presynaptic nerves (ns). This evokes typical muscarinic slow EPSP. Right trace, beginning of late slow EPSP evoked by repetitive stimulation of presynaptic nerves (10 Hz, 3 s; bar). Bottom: responses to ACh evoked after onset of nerve stimulation. Traces 2 and 3, applications of ACh during noncholinergic slow EPSP evoked 11 s (2) and 38 s (3) after nerve stimulation. Response to ACh is abolished or depressed. Depolarization of membrane to same level would increase amplitude of ACh response. Trace 4, full recovery of ACh response 93 s after repetitive nerve stimulation, when late slow EPSP had declined.

From Tokimasa and North 230

Figure 31.

IPSP inhibits repetitive firing of bullfrog sympathetic neurons. This intracellular recording was taken from a C cell during period of repetitive firing induced by late slow EPSP. Tubocurarine (100 μM) was used to block nicotinic synapses. Train of presynaptic stimuli was applied to neurons (dotted line) and an IPSP was produced. As IPSP developed, repetitive firing was inhibited. As IPSP subsided, membrane potential began to oscillate and repetitive firing recommenced.

From Horn and Dodd 96

Figure 32.

Effect of inhibitory nerve stimulation on time course of EPSP recorded at reversal potential for IPSP. A: control records of electrotonic potential and fast EPSP. B: records of electrotonic potential and fast EPSP when membrane was shunted by stimulating inhibitory nerves. Bottom traces, EPSPs recorded at faster sweep speed and higher amplification. Arrow, stimulation of inhibitory nerves. No potential change occurred, because membrane was held at IPSP reversal potential. C: time courses of EPSPs, before (○) and during (•) inhibitory conductance change. Solid lines, time courses of EPSPs computed with assumptions that control cell resistance was 180 MΩ and fell to 80 MΩ during IPSP and that cell capacitance was 94 pF throughout. Dashed line, time course of synaptic current required to simulate both EPSPs.

From Edwards et al. 59

Figure 33.

Slow IPSP does not inhibit nicotinic excitation of bullfrog sympathetic neurons. In normal Ringer solution, train of 10 presynaptic stimuli produces 12 suprathreshold nicotinic fast EPSPs followed by slow IPSP. Tops of action potentials produced by EPSPs were cropped. When cell was bathed in curare (100 μM) and same train applied, nicotinic EPSPs were almost completely blocked, leaving stimulus artifacts superimposed on intact muscarinic IPSP. It is clear then that slow IPSP starts as early as 4th stimulus artifact and is almost fully developed by 10th. Comparison of traces demonstrates that IPSP, even as it approaches its maximum amplitude, does not inhibit nicotinic EPSPs from initiating action potentials.

From Horn and Dodd 96

Figure 34.

Most parsimonious arrangement of neurons in myenteric plexus that mediate peristaltic reflex. lm, Longitudinal muscle; cm, circular muscle. A: graded reflex (preparatory phase) and desending inhibition. Low level of radial distension excites afferent neurons 2. Position and nature of sensory receptors 1 are unknown; they may lie in cell body, neuronal process within myenteric ganglion, or process reaching circular muscle or submucosal layers. Transmitter released by afferent neurons is not ACh (graded reflex is not blocked by hexamethonium) but may be same substance that mediates slow EPSP (substance P ?). This slowly excites cholinergic neurons 3, which project anally. These neurons, either directly or through other interneurons (not shown), excite neurons 5 that inhibit the circular muscle layer (descending inhibition). ACh released from varicosities 4 of cholinergic neurons can also reach longitudinal muscle (graded reflex). B: peristaltic reflex proper, descending excitation. Further distension of lumen excites other afferent neurons 6, which may or may not be identical to afferent neurons 2 on descending inhibitory pathway. Latency of interneuron 7 in descending excitatory pathway to reaching threshold may depend on slow EPSP and decreases as distension increases. Inter‐neuron projects anally and releases ACh onto neurons 8 that are motor to muscle layers. Neurons (5 and 8) receive nicotinic synaptic input and must be S cells. Afferent neurons (2 and 6) do not receive nicotinic synaptic input and may be AH cells. Some evidence suggests that cholinergic neurons and perhaps interneurons may also be AH cells.

From North 198
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R. A. North. Mechanisms of Autonomic Integration. Compr Physiol 2011, Supplement 4: Handbook of Physiology, The Nervous System, Intrinsic Regulatory Systems of the Brain: 115-153. First published in print 1986. doi: 10.1002/cphy.cp010402