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Quantitative Ultrastructure of Mammalian Skeletal Muscle

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The sections in this article are:

1 Physiological Functions
1.1 Excitation‐Contraction Coupling
1.2 Contractile System
1.3 Metabolic Systems
1.4 Other Systems
2 Methods of Observation
2.1 Selection of Muscle for Morphometric Analysis
2.2 Electron Microscopy
2.3 Stereological Analysis
3 Morphometric Results
3.1 Membrane Systems
3.2 Contractile Systems
3.3 Metabolic Systems
4 Muscle Fiber Diversity
4.1 Contractile and Metabolic Systems
4.2 Metabolic and EC Coupling Systems
4.3 Contractile and EC Coupling Systems
5 Muscle Fiber Plasticity
Figure 1. Figure 1.

Schematic drawing of part of a mammalian skeletal muscle fiber showing relationship of sarcoplasmic reticulum, terminal cisternae, T system, and mitochondria to a few myofibrils. [From Eisenberg et al. 70.]

Figure 2. Figure 2.

White vastus muscle of the guinea pig. Light micrograph of plastic‐embedded muscle cut in a 0.5‐μm‐thick longitudinal section. Fibers are striated with dark (A) and light (I) bands. Note peripherally located nuclei (n) and connective tissue (CT).

Figure 3. Figure 3.

Soleus muscle from guinea pig. Light micrograph of plastic‐embedded muscle cut as a 0.5‐μn‐thick cross section. Fibers are irregularly shaped and contain peripheral nuclei (n). Note small blood vessels (bv) and connective tissue (CT). Dark A band, light I band, and Z disk vary in orientation from one fiber to another, giving fibers a marbled appearance. Pattern in fiber X is formed from only one A and one I band, indicating a nearly true cross section, whereas in fiber O, striation patterns indicate an oblique section. [From Eisenberg et al. 70.]

Figure 4. Figure 4.

Arrangement of structures in T‐SR junction. This diagram is a fanciful melding of morphological data [Eisenberg 64,65,71, Franzini‐Armstrong 96, Kelly and Kuda 165, and Somlyo 301] with the electrical model of T‐SR coupling [Mathias et al. 193,194]. Fine structure of pillar shown in inset is certainly beyond the practical resolution of the electron microscope.

Adapted from Eisenberg and Eisenberg 64
Figure 5. Figure 5.

Electron micrograph of T‐SR junctional region from longitudinally sectioned mouse extensor digitorum longus muscle (fast twitch) fixed with oxygenated glutaraldehyde 155. T‐system membrane (T) lies between 2 terminal cisternae (TC). Free SR (FSR) extends beyond the TC. Note projections from TC membranes (indicated by lines), some of which form connecting T‐SR pillars (arrows).

Micrograph courtesy of J. E. Rash
Figure 6. Figure 6.

Slow‐twitch fibers from guinea pig soleus muscle. Micrographs are at the same magnification. A: longitudinal section showing paired mitochondria on either side of the Z line (Z), extensive SR in I band (I), lack of mitochondria and SR around the A band (A), and M line (M) in center. B: cross section entirely in plane of Z disk showing extensive SR (sr) that divides the Z disk into irregular myofibrils (mf). C: cross section in A band (A). Note thick myosin filaments, sparse mitochondria, and SR. Myofibrils are ill‐defined. D: cross section in I band (I). Note thin actin filaments and elongated mitochondria (mit) almost encircling myofibrils. [From Eisenberg et al. 69.]

Figure 7. Figure 7.

Fast‐twitch fiber from guinea pig white vastus lateralis muscle. A: longitudinal section showing SR in the A band (srA) and I band (srI). Terminal cisternae (tc) contain granular material and flank the elliptical T system (tt). Z line is thin, but note variation in width across several myofibrils. M, M line. [From Eisenberg and Kuda 66.] B, C: cross sections at a lower magnification showing extensive SR in Z‐disk (Z) and I‐band (I) regions and less SR in the A band (A). Myofibrils are irregular structures outlined by SR that are better defined in the I band than in the A band. (B. R. Eisenberg, unpublished micrographs.)

Figure 8. Figure 8.

Longitudinal section of parts of adult guinea pig muscle. A: white vastus (fast twitch, glycolytic). B: red vastus (fast twitch, oxidative, glycolytic). C: soleus (slow twitch, oxidative). Mitochondria (m) are sparse in the white vastus (A), intermediate to frequent in the red vastus (B), and intermediate in the soleus (C). Sarcoplasmic reticulum (sr) and T system (T) are more abundant in fast‐twitch muscles of the white and red vastus (A and B) than in slow‐twitch muscle of the soleus (C). Z‐line (Z) widths are narrower in fast‐twitch fibers (A and B) than in slow‐twitch fiber (C). M, M lines. [From Eisenberg 60.]

Figure 9. Figure 9.

Models of longitudinal sections through Z disks of different complexity. A: simplest Z disk has one layer of connecting filaments giving a zigzag appearance like that found in fish 92. B: another 38‐nm segment added to each filament and a second layer of connecting filaments give an appearance more typical of mammalian skeletal Z lattice of fast‐twitch, glycolytic muscle such as rat EDL or guinea pig white vastus. C: one more 38‐nm layer is added to give 2 complete subunits. This Z lattice corresponds to Z widths found in fast‐twitch, oxidative, glycolytic fibers and some slow‐twitch, oxidative fibers. D: a final layer is added to give 3 complete subunits and a Z lattice typical for the soleus muscle 117 and canine cardiac muscle. Note that the number of subunits is not constant throughout an entire Z disk. Fast‐twitch fibers usually have 1–2 or 2–3 subunits, whereas cardiac and slow‐twitch have 2–4 subunits. [Figure was kindly provided by M. A. Goldstein, modified from Goldstein et al. 115.]

Figure 10. Figure 10.

Longitudinal section through a peripheral myofibril of a frog fiber that was skinned and exposed to a ferritin suspension. Positions of N1 and N2 lines are marked. Large granules between the fibrils are glycogen granules. Sarcomere length is 2.8 μm. [From Franzini‐Armstrong 87.]

Figure 11. Figure 11.

Longitudinal sections through parts of vastus lateralis muscle of the adult guinea pig. Dotted line is drawn 1 μm from the sarcolemma to divide outer annulus (O) from fiber core (C). Mitochondria in outer annulus (mitO) are oriented longitudinally (mitL) and transversely (mitX) to fiber axis; sr, sarcoplasmic reticulum; L, lipid droplet. Both micrographs are at same magnification. A: red portion of vastus lateralis muscle is mainly composed of fast‐twitch, oxidative, glycolytic fibers. B: white portion of vastus lateralis muscle is mainly composed of fast‐twitch, glycolytic fibers. [A from Eisenberg and Kuda 67, B from Eisenberg and Kuda 66.]

Figure 12. Figure 12.

Longitudinal section through part of a soleus muscle slow‐twitch fiber of the guinea pig. Lipid droplets (lip) and mitochondria (mitO) lie close to sarcolemma (SM). Dense Z line (Z), moderate M line (M), dark A band (A), and light I band (I) give the fiber a regularly striated appearance. Arrows point to triads located at junction of A and I bands, between some, but not all, myofibrils (mf). Mitochondria in the I band (mitI) are often paired and A‐band mitochondria are sparse. A portion of a stereological test grid is shown oriented at optimal angle θ = 19° and 71° 293. Light‐line spacing ∼0.4 μm and heavy‐line spacing ∼1.8;um. [From Eisenberg et al. 70.]

Figure 13. Figure 13.

Oblique section of soleus muscle from the guinea pig showing parts of 2 fibers and a capillary (bv). Note peripheral accumulation of mitochondria (mitO) near sarcolemma (SM), the numerous, large mitochondria in the I band (mitI), small mitochondria in the A band (mitA), and sarcomere repeats between Z disks (Z); note also spherical lipid droplets (L). [From Eisenberg et al. 70.]

Figure 14. Figure 14.

Light micrograph of cross section through rabbit tibialis anterior muscle showing a nerve bundle (N) and a muscle spindle (MS) containing intrafusal muscle fibers. A thick layer of epimysial connective tissue (CT) wraps around a fascicle of muscle fibers.

Figure 15. Figure 15.

Serial cross sections of guinea pig medial gastrocnemius muscle. A: section stained from myofibrillar ATPase at pH 9.4. Light fibers are type I or slow twitch; dark unlabeled fibers are type II or fast twitch. B: frozen section stained for succinic dehydrogenase. Note there is a continuous range in staining density of the fibers. Type I fibers from A all stain at darker end of the range. Type II fibers are distributed throughout whole density range. C: 30‐μm frozen cross section thawed by immersion in glutaraldehyde fixative, postfixed in osmium tetroxide, embedded in Epon, and photographed through Epon block. D: narrow strip cut by rotating Epon block (C) through 90°. Fibers are longitudinally sectioned and about 30 μm in length. Alignment between fibers in C and D allows comparison between a cross and a longitudinal section of the same fibers.

From Eisenberg and Kuda 68, reprinted from J. Histochem. Cytochem. Copyright 1977 by The Histochemical Society, Inc
Figure 16. Figure 16.

Histograms of surface area of T system from 300 fibers in 3 muscles of the guinea pig. Note that fast‐twitch red and white vastus fibers show identical distributions, but differ from slow‐twitch soleus fibers. [From Eisenberg and Kuda 67.]

Figure 17. Figure 17.

Histograms of surface area of terminal cisternae from 3 muscles of the adult guinea pig. [From Eisenberg and Kuda 67.]

Figure 18. Figure 18.

Histograms of surface area of sarcoplasmic reticulum are similar for all 3 guinea pig muscles. [From Eisenberg and Kuda 67.]

Figure 19. Figure 19.

Segments of Z‐line structure from longitudinally sectioned muscle of the adult guinea pig. Range in width of Z line is seen: A, white vastus; B, red vastus; C, soleus muscle. D: histogram of widths of Z‐line structure from segments of Z line similar to those in A, B, and C. The Z lines from 300 guinea pig fibers were measured. [From Eisenberg 60.]

Figure 20. Figure 20.

Histograms of volume of mitochondria in fiber core from 300 fibers in 3 muscles of the guinea pig. Note large range and skewed distribution for fast‐twitch fibers. [Redrawn from Eisenberg and Kuda 67.]

Figure 21. Figure 21.

Histogram of volume of mitochondria in fiber core of human muscle from quadriceps of adult males. Population was arbitrarily divided into 2 groups: stippled histogram is from fibers with a Z‐line width >100 nm (presumed slow twitch), and empty histogram is of fibers with a Z‐line width <100 nm (presumed fast twitch). (Unpublished data of B. R. Eisenberg.)

Figure 22. Figure 22.

Scattergram of Z‐line width vs. mitochondrial volume in core of fibers. Slow‐twitch soleus fibers form a separate cluster from fast‐twitch red and white vastus fibers. Within fast‐twitch fiber population there is some correlation (r = 0.57) between Z‐line width and mitochondrial volume. [From Eisenberg 60.]

Figure 23. Figure 23.

Scattergram of Z‐line width vs. mitochondrial volume measured from electron micrographs of medial gastrocnemius muscle fibers of the guinea pig that had been frozen, thawed, and then fixed. Serial cryostat sections were used to determine histochemical stains of myofibrillar ATP and succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) of each fiber to give the conventional fiber types: x, slow‐twitch, oxidative; •, fast‐twitch, oxidative, glycolytic; and ○, fast‐twitch, glycolytic (see Fig. 15). The 3 types form 1 large cluster that can be separated into 3 subclusters only by reference to histochemical profile of the fiber.

From Eisenberg and Kuda 68, reprinted from J. Histochem. Cytochem. Copyright 1977 by The Histochemical Society, Inc
Figure 24. Figure 24.

Scattergram of surface area of terminal cisternae plotted against volume of the mitochondria for 300 fibers from guinea pig muscle. Ad hoc lines are drawn by eye to separate the 3 muscles into 3 areas. Tallies of correct fiber allocations are given in ref. 67. Note that soleus fiber symbols are tightly clustered. However, red vastus fiber symbols form a large cloud not readily separated from the white vastus fiber symbols. x, Soleus; •, red vastus; ○, white vastus. [From Eisenberg and Kuda 67.]

Figure 25. Figure 25.

Scattergram of Z‐band width vs. number of T profiles per unit fiber area QT/AF for rabbit muscle. A: open circles represent 80 control tibialis anterior (TA) fibers and open crosses, 89 control soleus fibers. Note that most TA control fibers are in upper left quadrant; most soleus fibers are in lower right quadrant. Quadrants are created by lines at Z = 90 nm and QT/Af = 0.58 μm−2 computed at Gaussian crossover points. B: scattergram of Z‐band width vs. number of T profiles for stimulated TA fibers from rabbit muscle. Symbols indicate duration of stimulation. Open circles, at an early stage (0–2 days) stimulated fibers occupy upper left quadrant (fast‐twitch type); squares, at times for periods of stimulation from 5 to 12 days, most fibers occupy lower left quadrant (transitional type); open crosses, after 2 wk of stimulation most fibers occupy lower right quadrant (slow‐twitch type). [From Eisenberg and Salmons 75.]

Figure 1.

Schematic drawing of part of a mammalian skeletal muscle fiber showing relationship of sarcoplasmic reticulum, terminal cisternae, T system, and mitochondria to a few myofibrils. [From Eisenberg et al. 70.]

Figure 2.

White vastus muscle of the guinea pig. Light micrograph of plastic‐embedded muscle cut in a 0.5‐μm‐thick longitudinal section. Fibers are striated with dark (A) and light (I) bands. Note peripherally located nuclei (n) and connective tissue (CT).

Figure 3.

Soleus muscle from guinea pig. Light micrograph of plastic‐embedded muscle cut as a 0.5‐μn‐thick cross section. Fibers are irregularly shaped and contain peripheral nuclei (n). Note small blood vessels (bv) and connective tissue (CT). Dark A band, light I band, and Z disk vary in orientation from one fiber to another, giving fibers a marbled appearance. Pattern in fiber X is formed from only one A and one I band, indicating a nearly true cross section, whereas in fiber O, striation patterns indicate an oblique section. [From Eisenberg et al. 70.]

Figure 4.

Arrangement of structures in T‐SR junction. This diagram is a fanciful melding of morphological data [Eisenberg 64,65,71, Franzini‐Armstrong 96, Kelly and Kuda 165, and Somlyo 301] with the electrical model of T‐SR coupling [Mathias et al. 193,194]. Fine structure of pillar shown in inset is certainly beyond the practical resolution of the electron microscope.

Adapted from Eisenberg and Eisenberg 64

Figure 5.

Electron micrograph of T‐SR junctional region from longitudinally sectioned mouse extensor digitorum longus muscle (fast twitch) fixed with oxygenated glutaraldehyde 155. T‐system membrane (T) lies between 2 terminal cisternae (TC). Free SR (FSR) extends beyond the TC. Note projections from TC membranes (indicated by lines), some of which form connecting T‐SR pillars (arrows).

Micrograph courtesy of J. E. Rash

Figure 6.

Slow‐twitch fibers from guinea pig soleus muscle. Micrographs are at the same magnification. A: longitudinal section showing paired mitochondria on either side of the Z line (Z), extensive SR in I band (I), lack of mitochondria and SR around the A band (A), and M line (M) in center. B: cross section entirely in plane of Z disk showing extensive SR (sr) that divides the Z disk into irregular myofibrils (mf). C: cross section in A band (A). Note thick myosin filaments, sparse mitochondria, and SR. Myofibrils are ill‐defined. D: cross section in I band (I). Note thin actin filaments and elongated mitochondria (mit) almost encircling myofibrils. [From Eisenberg et al. 69.]

Figure 7.

Fast‐twitch fiber from guinea pig white vastus lateralis muscle. A: longitudinal section showing SR in the A band (srA) and I band (srI). Terminal cisternae (tc) contain granular material and flank the elliptical T system (tt). Z line is thin, but note variation in width across several myofibrils. M, M line. [From Eisenberg and Kuda 66.] B, C: cross sections at a lower magnification showing extensive SR in Z‐disk (Z) and I‐band (I) regions and less SR in the A band (A). Myofibrils are irregular structures outlined by SR that are better defined in the I band than in the A band. (B. R. Eisenberg, unpublished micrographs.)

Figure 8.

Longitudinal section of parts of adult guinea pig muscle. A: white vastus (fast twitch, glycolytic). B: red vastus (fast twitch, oxidative, glycolytic). C: soleus (slow twitch, oxidative). Mitochondria (m) are sparse in the white vastus (A), intermediate to frequent in the red vastus (B), and intermediate in the soleus (C). Sarcoplasmic reticulum (sr) and T system (T) are more abundant in fast‐twitch muscles of the white and red vastus (A and B) than in slow‐twitch muscle of the soleus (C). Z‐line (Z) widths are narrower in fast‐twitch fibers (A and B) than in slow‐twitch fiber (C). M, M lines. [From Eisenberg 60.]

Figure 9.

Models of longitudinal sections through Z disks of different complexity. A: simplest Z disk has one layer of connecting filaments giving a zigzag appearance like that found in fish 92. B: another 38‐nm segment added to each filament and a second layer of connecting filaments give an appearance more typical of mammalian skeletal Z lattice of fast‐twitch, glycolytic muscle such as rat EDL or guinea pig white vastus. C: one more 38‐nm layer is added to give 2 complete subunits. This Z lattice corresponds to Z widths found in fast‐twitch, oxidative, glycolytic fibers and some slow‐twitch, oxidative fibers. D: a final layer is added to give 3 complete subunits and a Z lattice typical for the soleus muscle 117 and canine cardiac muscle. Note that the number of subunits is not constant throughout an entire Z disk. Fast‐twitch fibers usually have 1–2 or 2–3 subunits, whereas cardiac and slow‐twitch have 2–4 subunits. [Figure was kindly provided by M. A. Goldstein, modified from Goldstein et al. 115.]

Figure 10.

Longitudinal section through a peripheral myofibril of a frog fiber that was skinned and exposed to a ferritin suspension. Positions of N1 and N2 lines are marked. Large granules between the fibrils are glycogen granules. Sarcomere length is 2.8 μm. [From Franzini‐Armstrong 87.]

Figure 11.

Longitudinal sections through parts of vastus lateralis muscle of the adult guinea pig. Dotted line is drawn 1 μm from the sarcolemma to divide outer annulus (O) from fiber core (C). Mitochondria in outer annulus (mitO) are oriented longitudinally (mitL) and transversely (mitX) to fiber axis; sr, sarcoplasmic reticulum; L, lipid droplet. Both micrographs are at same magnification. A: red portion of vastus lateralis muscle is mainly composed of fast‐twitch, oxidative, glycolytic fibers. B: white portion of vastus lateralis muscle is mainly composed of fast‐twitch, glycolytic fibers. [A from Eisenberg and Kuda 67, B from Eisenberg and Kuda 66.]

Figure 12.

Longitudinal section through part of a soleus muscle slow‐twitch fiber of the guinea pig. Lipid droplets (lip) and mitochondria (mitO) lie close to sarcolemma (SM). Dense Z line (Z), moderate M line (M), dark A band (A), and light I band (I) give the fiber a regularly striated appearance. Arrows point to triads located at junction of A and I bands, between some, but not all, myofibrils (mf). Mitochondria in the I band (mitI) are often paired and A‐band mitochondria are sparse. A portion of a stereological test grid is shown oriented at optimal angle θ = 19° and 71° 293. Light‐line spacing ∼0.4 μm and heavy‐line spacing ∼1.8;um. [From Eisenberg et al. 70.]

Figure 13.

Oblique section of soleus muscle from the guinea pig showing parts of 2 fibers and a capillary (bv). Note peripheral accumulation of mitochondria (mitO) near sarcolemma (SM), the numerous, large mitochondria in the I band (mitI), small mitochondria in the A band (mitA), and sarcomere repeats between Z disks (Z); note also spherical lipid droplets (L). [From Eisenberg et al. 70.]

Figure 14.

Light micrograph of cross section through rabbit tibialis anterior muscle showing a nerve bundle (N) and a muscle spindle (MS) containing intrafusal muscle fibers. A thick layer of epimysial connective tissue (CT) wraps around a fascicle of muscle fibers.

Figure 15.

Serial cross sections of guinea pig medial gastrocnemius muscle. A: section stained from myofibrillar ATPase at pH 9.4. Light fibers are type I or slow twitch; dark unlabeled fibers are type II or fast twitch. B: frozen section stained for succinic dehydrogenase. Note there is a continuous range in staining density of the fibers. Type I fibers from A all stain at darker end of the range. Type II fibers are distributed throughout whole density range. C: 30‐μm frozen cross section thawed by immersion in glutaraldehyde fixative, postfixed in osmium tetroxide, embedded in Epon, and photographed through Epon block. D: narrow strip cut by rotating Epon block (C) through 90°. Fibers are longitudinally sectioned and about 30 μm in length. Alignment between fibers in C and D allows comparison between a cross and a longitudinal section of the same fibers.

From Eisenberg and Kuda 68, reprinted from J. Histochem. Cytochem. Copyright 1977 by The Histochemical Society, Inc

Figure 16.

Histograms of surface area of T system from 300 fibers in 3 muscles of the guinea pig. Note that fast‐twitch red and white vastus fibers show identical distributions, but differ from slow‐twitch soleus fibers. [From Eisenberg and Kuda 67.]

Figure 17.

Histograms of surface area of terminal cisternae from 3 muscles of the adult guinea pig. [From Eisenberg and Kuda 67.]

Figure 18.

Histograms of surface area of sarcoplasmic reticulum are similar for all 3 guinea pig muscles. [From Eisenberg and Kuda 67.]

Figure 19.

Segments of Z‐line structure from longitudinally sectioned muscle of the adult guinea pig. Range in width of Z line is seen: A, white vastus; B, red vastus; C, soleus muscle. D: histogram of widths of Z‐line structure from segments of Z line similar to those in A, B, and C. The Z lines from 300 guinea pig fibers were measured. [From Eisenberg 60.]

Figure 20.

Histograms of volume of mitochondria in fiber core from 300 fibers in 3 muscles of the guinea pig. Note large range and skewed distribution for fast‐twitch fibers. [Redrawn from Eisenberg and Kuda 67.]

Figure 21.

Histogram of volume of mitochondria in fiber core of human muscle from quadriceps of adult males. Population was arbitrarily divided into 2 groups: stippled histogram is from fibers with a Z‐line width >100 nm (presumed slow twitch), and empty histogram is of fibers with a Z‐line width <100 nm (presumed fast twitch). (Unpublished data of B. R. Eisenberg.)

Figure 22.

Scattergram of Z‐line width vs. mitochondrial volume in core of fibers. Slow‐twitch soleus fibers form a separate cluster from fast‐twitch red and white vastus fibers. Within fast‐twitch fiber population there is some correlation (r = 0.57) between Z‐line width and mitochondrial volume. [From Eisenberg 60.]

Figure 23.

Scattergram of Z‐line width vs. mitochondrial volume measured from electron micrographs of medial gastrocnemius muscle fibers of the guinea pig that had been frozen, thawed, and then fixed. Serial cryostat sections were used to determine histochemical stains of myofibrillar ATP and succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) of each fiber to give the conventional fiber types: x, slow‐twitch, oxidative; •, fast‐twitch, oxidative, glycolytic; and ○, fast‐twitch, glycolytic (see Fig. 15). The 3 types form 1 large cluster that can be separated into 3 subclusters only by reference to histochemical profile of the fiber.

From Eisenberg and Kuda 68, reprinted from J. Histochem. Cytochem. Copyright 1977 by The Histochemical Society, Inc

Figure 24.

Scattergram of surface area of terminal cisternae plotted against volume of the mitochondria for 300 fibers from guinea pig muscle. Ad hoc lines are drawn by eye to separate the 3 muscles into 3 areas. Tallies of correct fiber allocations are given in ref. 67. Note that soleus fiber symbols are tightly clustered. However, red vastus fiber symbols form a large cloud not readily separated from the white vastus fiber symbols. x, Soleus; •, red vastus; ○, white vastus. [From Eisenberg and Kuda 67.]

Figure 25.

Scattergram of Z‐band width vs. number of T profiles per unit fiber area QT/AF for rabbit muscle. A: open circles represent 80 control tibialis anterior (TA) fibers and open crosses, 89 control soleus fibers. Note that most TA control fibers are in upper left quadrant; most soleus fibers are in lower right quadrant. Quadrants are created by lines at Z = 90 nm and QT/Af = 0.58 μm−2 computed at Gaussian crossover points. B: scattergram of Z‐band width vs. number of T profiles for stimulated TA fibers from rabbit muscle. Symbols indicate duration of stimulation. Open circles, at an early stage (0–2 days) stimulated fibers occupy upper left quadrant (fast‐twitch type); squares, at times for periods of stimulation from 5 to 12 days, most fibers occupy lower left quadrant (transitional type); open crosses, after 2 wk of stimulation most fibers occupy lower right quadrant (slow‐twitch type). [From Eisenberg and Salmons 75.]

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Brenda R. Eisenberg. Quantitative Ultrastructure of Mammalian Skeletal Muscle. Compr Physiol 2011, Supplement 27: Handbook of Physiology, Skeletal Muscle: 73-112. First published in print 1983. doi: 10.1002/cphy.cp100103