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Laws of Physics Pertaining to Gas Exchange

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The sections in this article are:

1 Familiar Equation Illustrating Application of Gas Laws
2 Barometric Pressure and Altitude
3 Practical Use of Mercurial Barometers
4 Boyle's Law (Mariotte's Law)
5 Charles's Law
6 Dalton's Law and The Vapor Pressure of Water
7 Henry's Law
8 Graham's Law
9 Fick's Law
10 Deviations from Ideal Gas Laws
11 Temperature Scales
12 Van Der Waals's Equation
13 Practical Conversion Formulas Based on Ideal Gas Laws
14 Practical Use of Vapor Pressure
15 Historical Use of STPD Corrections in Respiration
16 Historical Use of BTPS Corrections in Respiration
17 Extrapolating from Past to Future: Plea for Better Units
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Ralph H. Kellogg. Laws of Physics Pertaining to Gas Exchange. Compr Physiol 2011, Supplement 13: Handbook of Physiology, The Respiratory System, Gas Exchange: 13-31. First published in print 1987. doi: 10.1002/cphy.cp030402