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Colonic motility

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The sections in this article are:

1 Anatomy
1.1 Comparative Anatomy of the Colon
1.2 Development of the Colon
1.3 Gross Structure of the Human Colon
1.4 Muscular Walls of the Colon
1.5 Nerves of the Colon
2 Methods To Study Contractions And Flow In The Colon
3 Gross Patterns of Contractions and Flow in the Colon
3.1 Rhythmic Contractions
3.2 Tonic Contractions
4 Myogenic Factors in Colonic Contractions
4.1 Studies in the Human Colon
4.2 Relationship of Slow Waves, Contractions, and Flows
5 Neurogenic Factors In Colonic Contractions
5.1 Morphological Studies
5.2 Peristaltic Reflex
5.3 Tonic Neurogenic Inhibition
5.4 Intrinsic Nerve Stimulation
5.5 Responses to Autonomic Drugs
5.6 Extrinsic Nervous Control of Colonic Motility
6 Effects Of Drugs On Colonic Contractions
6.1 Adrenergic Drugs
6.2 Anticholinergic Agents
6.3 Polypeptides
6.4 Prostaglandins
6.5 Morphine
6.6 γ‐Aminobutyric Acid
6.7 Adenosine triphosphate
6.8 Laxatives
6.9 Antibiotics
6.10 Bile Acids
7 Anal Sphincters
7.1 Internal Anal Sphincter
7.2 External Anal Sphincter
8 Some Integrated Colonic Activities
8.1 Response of the Colon to Eating
8.2 Defecation
8.3 Effect of Emotions on the Colon
9 Disorders Of Colonic Motility
9.1 Diverticulosis of the Colon
9.2 Aganglionosis of the Colon
9.3 Diarrhea and Constipation
9.4 Irritable Colon Syndrome
9.5 Rectal Incontinence
10 Summary
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James Christensen. Colonic motility. Compr Physiol 2011, Supplement 16: Handbook of Physiology, The Gastrointestinal System, Motility and Circulation: 939-973. First published in print 1989. doi: 10.1002/cphy.cp060124