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Hepatic and Extrahepatic Mixed‐Function Oxidases

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The sections in this article are:

1 Types of Mixed‐Function Oxidase Reactions
2 Characteristics of Microsomal Electron Transport Chain
2.1 Cytochrome P‐450
2.2 Substrate‐Induced Difference Spectra
2.3 Cytochrome P‐450 Reductase
2.4 Reconstituted Microsomal Enzyme Systems
3 Extrahepatic Mixed‐Function Oxidase Activity
3.1 Lung
3.2 Kidney
3.3 Gastrointestinal Tract
3.4 Placenta
3.5 Skin
3.6 Adrenals
3.7 Miscellaneous Organs
4 Hepatic and Extrahepatic Mixed‐Function Oxidase Activity in Perinatal Period
5 Induction of Hepatic and Extrahepatic Mixed‐Function Oxidase Activity
6 Hormonal Regulation of Hepatic and Extrahepatic Mixed‐Function Oxidases
7 Mixed‐Function Oxidase Activity in Human Beings
7.1 Drug Interactions
8 Conclusion
Figure 1. Figure 1.

General reaction scheme for cytochrome P‐450‐dependent mixed‐function oxidase reactions. S, substrate; S‐OH, oxidized substrate; e, electron; P‐450, cytochrome P‐450.

Figure 1.

General reaction scheme for cytochrome P‐450‐dependent mixed‐function oxidase reactions. S, substrate; S‐OH, oxidized substrate; e, electron; P‐450, cytochrome P‐450.

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John R. Bend, Gary E. R. Hook. Hepatic and Extrahepatic Mixed‐Function Oxidases. Compr Physiol 2011, Supplement 26: Handbook of Physiology, Reactions to Environmental Agents: 419-440. First published in print 1977. doi: 10.1002/cphy.cp090126