Comprehensive Physiology Wiley Online Library

Membrane Physiology


Listings: 1-20   21-40   41-49

Modulation of Voltage‐Gated Ion Channels by Sialylation
Andrew R. Ednie, Eric S. Bennett
Published online: April 2012
Structure and Dynamic Properties of Membrane Proteins using NMR
Heike I. Rösner, Birthe B. Kragelund
Published online: April 2012
Voltage‐Gated Proton Channels
Thomas E. DeCoursey
Published online: April 2012
Cryo‐EM in the Study of Membrane Transport Proteins
Laura Yaunhee Kim, Matthew C. Johnson, Ingeborg Schmidt‐Krey
Published online: January 2012
The Ciliary Cytoskeleton
Lotte B. Pedersen, Jacob M. Schrøder, Peter Satir, Søren T. Christensen
Published online: January 2012
Regulation of Ion Channels by Membrane Lipids
Avia Rosenhouse‐Dantsker, Dolly Mehta, Irena Levitan
Published online: January 2012
TRP Channels
Maarten Gees, Grzegorz Owsianik, Bernd Nilius, Thomas Voets
Published online: January 2012
Gastric H+,K+‐ATPase
Jai Moo Shin, Keith Munson, George Sachs
Published online: October 2011
Regulation of NhaA by Protons
Etana Padan
Published online: October 2011
Na+/H+ Exchangers
John Orlowski, Sergio Grinstein
Published online: October 2011
Membrane Proteins Structure and Dynamics by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Sergey Maltsev, Gary A. Lorigan
Published online: October 2011
Ca2+‐Activated Cl− Channels
Loretta Ferrera, Olga Zegarra‐Moran, Luis J.V. Galietta
Published online: October 2011
Principles of Regulation and Control in Biochemistry: A Pragmatic, Flux‐Oriented Approach
B. Crabtree, E. A. Newsholme, N. B. Reppas
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Intracellular pH
Robert W. Putnam, Albert Roos
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Joseph F. Hoffman, James D. Jameison
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Epithelial Transport
Luis Reuss
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Osmolytes and Cell‐Volume Regulation: Physiological and Evolutionary Principles
George N. Somero, Paul H. Yancey
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Basic Principles of Transport
Robert I. Macey, Teresa F. Moura
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Membrane Structure/Proteins
Charles Tanford, Jacqueline A. Reynolds
Source: Handbook of Physiology
Listings: 1-20   21-40   41-49